
The Daily Grind: Which F2P MMO has the best community?

Some of our commenters -- and maybe other gamers who've been part of the MMO genre for a long time -- are convinced that free-to-play and...

The Daily Grind: Did anything from Gamescom excite you?

This year's Gamescom was pretty interesting from my perspective, and even though I wasn't able to go in person, I spent a decent amount...

Week in Review: Gamescom 2015 (August 9, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! Blizzard...

One Shots: First steps into a greater world

Do you miss Vanguard? It's been a while now since that particular fantasy world closed its doors to players, but warm memories of the...

The Daily Grind: Do patches compel you to return to MMOs?

I frequently feel like an outlier among the Massively Overpowered crew. Everyone else jumps from game to game because there's a new patch in...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: August 8, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon continued to feel the Kickstarter love thanks to the realization of its $30,000 stretch goal. Star...
I like the style these ladies have.

WRUP: Apparently I am excited about Demon Hunters edition

If you had asked me a week ago, I would have said that I don't have any particular need or desire for Demon Hunters...

The Daily Grind: Do MMO studios discriminate against character races?

Call me silly if you like (or call me maybe), but I do believe that studios consciously discriminate against some of their very own...
Spread your wings and, well, glide.

Betawatch: August 7th, 2015

It's time for the first Guild Wars 2 expansion beta weekend! Technically, it's a public weekend, but the only parts of the public that...

Leaderboard: Would you play Civilization Online?

XLGAMES isn't bringing Civilization Online to western consumers. At least right now. Maybe XL and partner 2K will localize the title at some point, but...

The Daily Grind: What would entice you back to WoW?

While a number of our writers and many of our readers are fans of World of Warcraft, it's no secret that a lot of...

Massively Overthinking: The first VR MMO

In this edition of Massively Overthinking, Kickstarter backer Yinta wants to talk about virtual reality. "When will we see the first VR MMO?" So let's tackle...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO festival event is your favorite?

Lord of the Rings Online's summer festival ends this week, and I'm kind of glad. I've been partaking, of course, but it's a grind...

The Daily Grind: What have you regretted doing in MMOs lately?

I did a dumb thing. A week or so ago, I splurged with real-world cash to pick up the new Yavin stronghold in Star Wars:...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever run an event in an MMO?

Long ago, I used to live for player-run MMO events. In old-school MMORPGs, people judged a guild's quality as much on what it did for...

The Daily Grind: How long did you spend in Project Gorgon’s tutorial?

I got sucked into Project Gorgon last night, and I spent over two hours wandering around the game's tutorial cave. There's a lot to...

MMO Week in Review: Blizzard likes your money after all (August 2, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered’s Week in Review! I...

One Shots: Abstract art

Every once in a while I receive a One Shots email that makes one of my eyebrows climb super-high while the other one dives...

The Daily Grind: What’s a minimum play session for you?

You probably don't sit down to watch a movie when you have five minutes before you leave for a doctor's appointment, and you do...
Make My MMO

Make My MMO: August 1, 2015

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon met its Kickstarter goal with over 23 days to spare. The fantasy sandpark benefited from some...