
Crowfall has kicked off a 10-day custom Dregs campaign called Wolfe

Last week, Crowfall rolled out the prepwork for what it called "campaign configuration knobs" - essentially, tools that would allow the developers to adjust...

Crowfall’s latest patch adds significant dev config for next week’s Wolfe campaign

Kickstarted MMORPG Crowfall has been through kind of a lot in its short life. Having launched last summer, the RvR game suffered from a...

Massively Overthinking: What do you expect from MMO Kickstarters?

I know, I know. People don't trust Kickstarters anymore. Nor should they, especially now. I think our genre knows this now. For every Wagadu...

Crowfall promises shorter and more intense Dregs campaigns and a long-term roadmap in the future

There are still things being done in Crowfall. We examined where the PvP MMO sits this past February after developer ArtCraft sold the game...

Fight or Kite: Checking in with Crowfall after the acquisition

I’ve been playing all kinds of different games these days, many of them MMOs and many of them offline RPGs. I find myself kind...

Crowfall tasks players with confectionery crafting for Valkyntine’s Day

I have to admit that I didn't imagine that Crowfall would have a Valentine's day event queues up, what with its population struggles and...

Massively Overthinking: Are you an MMO skeptic or true believer?

A while back, a reader (hi Ken!) posted an infographic into a Star Citizen thread I'd forgotten all about, but it wasn't even the...

EVE Online player sets a new speed world record for visiting every star system in the game

EVE Online players will very likely be familiar with the name of Katia Sae, the character that visited every star system in the game...

Crowfall applies a general update patch as the newest Dregs campaign gets underway

What's the latest happening in Crowfall? A campaign of course, as well as a recent housekeeping update that mostly focuses on adjustments, fixes, and...
Sitting around.

Kickstarter MMORPG Crowfall was just acquired by Mythgard publisher Monumental

So, who had "Crowfall gets bought out" on the ol' end-of-the-year bingo card? Did you also have "and the announcement gets made at 7:20...