
LOTRO Legendarium: The unique feel of Lord of the Rings Online

I am very much a creature who is affected deeply by my environment. I suspect all of us are to varying degrees, but I...

Champions Online starts its four-week anniversary event

At one year shy of a full decade, Champions Online has defied all odds to become the longest-running superhero MMORPG on the planet. That...

World of Warcraft buffs Feral Druids and brings back the Trial of Style

It's another "bits and bobs" edition of World of Warcraft news, starting with this week's hotfixes. Players logging into the game now will encounter...

Massively Overthinking: What’s your favorite MMORPG swag of all time?

In a conversation about the recent Starflight 3 Fig campaign - which you won't see covered here since it's not multiplayer, but let me...

Battle Bards Episode 127: Champions Online

When you sit down to make a list of the greatest heroes that humanity has ever known, obviously the Battle Bards will top that...
Live for one night only, followed by several more nights.

Lord of the Rings Online auto-mute hits musicians right in the words

It's great that Lord of the Rings Online has an active music scene for players, complete with player-organized bands and concerts. What's not so...

The MOP Up: Monster Hunter World soars past 10 million copies (August 26, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
oh noes a bitey scratchus

Gamescom 2018: World of Warcraft dives into Azshara’s backstory and hosts a concert

It turns out that Blizzard was saving something special for Gamescom 2018 after all. At the show, the World of Warcraft studio unveiled the...

Black Desert’s graphical remaster is live today, along with sales and contests

As promised, Black Desert's Remastered version is live today, featuring a fully revamped graphical experience, plus a do-over for the game's audio (music too!)...

World of Warcraft: Sylvanas’ future, secret content, and Battle for Azeroth Q&A

If you're concerned that Blizzard is going to regurgitate the Garrosh storyline with the recently genocidal Sylvanas, well, you're part of a very large...

Funcom’s Mutant Year Zero is launching on December 4 on PC and console

"Funcom and The Bearded Ladies" still sounds like an indie rock band to me, so imagine this post is a song, shall we? The...

Warframe is rolling out the Revenant Warframe this week

You know how I know Warframe is kicking butt and taking names? Our tipsters are just nuts for this game, and the onslaught of...

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, part 3: Narrative

Part three covers expansion story: narrative design, the text, the intended emotional reaction, good vs. evil, comparisons to Wrathgate, and how the game's cinematic presentation is let down by its plot.

Battle Bards Episode 126: Out of this world

It’s time to boldly go where no podcast has gone before — by exploring MMO space themes! It’s perhaps the flat-out goofiest and silliest...

Functional music boxes are coming in Elder Scrolls Online’s Murkmire

One of my most beloved possessions in Ultima Online is my music box: I spent months, probably years, collecting each "track" to insert into...

Black Desert’s remastered edition looks and sounds amazing

Black Desert fans have a good reason to be excited -- after all, when was the last time that the MMO you played got...

The Game Archaeologist: City of Heroes’ launch history and the Marvel lawsuit

In our first part of this series looking back at the stupendous history of City of Heroes, we saw how the idea for this...

Fallout 76 signs on Inon Zur for another musical tour of duty in the wasteland

It's hard to imagine a Fallout game these days without the haunting and beautiful score of video game composer Inon Zur. Fortunately, players this...
I'm cutting it down.

Black Desert to show off its sizzling new graphics and music on Saturday

Black Desert is about to look and sound even more incredible than it already does, and you'll be able to check it out as...

Hands-on with mobile Old School Runescape, plus a chat with the Jagex devs

I experienced a couple firsts recently that you may not have expected from me, and they can both be summed up in two words:...