
The Daily Grind: Would you pay to group in an MMORPG?

MMO blogger Belghast tweeted something just before the holiday that grabbed my attention. Apparently, at least on his New World server, players are demanding...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the best player community as of 2021?

I'm a partisan on this one: I have never been in an MMORPG with a better community than Lord of the Rings Online's. A couple...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best crafting in 2021?

In years past, we've given out a formal award for the best MMO crafting, but this year we're taking a break from that. There...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offered the best PvE experience in 2021?

If you've been following our awards this year, you know we brought back our PvP award for 2021. We'd let it go for a...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts the best graphics as of 2021?

I apologize in advance because I have another superficially simple but actually difficult annual Daily Grind for you: Today is the day we fight...

The Daily Grind: What was the best new zone added to an MMO in 2021?

As a SWG Legends player, I was thrilled to see the launch of Bespin to a Star Wars Galaxies rogue server this year. Not...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best fashion options?

Ah yes. Fashion wars! During the MOP's discussion about which awards to give out this year, we contemplated a fashion award that would replace or...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO studio offered the best communication this year?

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think ArenaNet's communication for Guild Wars 2 was fabulous for most of 2021. This was... not...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO hosted the best event in 2021?

You might be sad to learn that we're not giving out a formal award for best MMO event this year, but that's because our...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best console or mobile experience?

Every year when this Daily Grind comes 'round, I have to admit I'm not a heavy console user. I'm a PC girl, and I...
two to the one to the one to the three

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best character – not gear – customization?

We're gonna be starting up our regular end-of-the-year shenanigans in December, including our annual awards closer to the middle of the month. But one...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite thing to do in MMOs that isn’t violence?

A while back, I read a Twitter thread about one of the reasons video games revolve around violence: It's easy to assemble into content,...

The Daily Grind: What are some disappointing systems in great MMOs?

I want to talk about Guild Wars 2's food. You guys, Guild Wars 2's food is so good. The icons are good. The names...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever exploited in an MMO?

New World's seemingly endless parade of exploits had reawakened my wonder about who exactly buys a game only to try to break it for...
Chaos descends.

The Daily Grind: What might the MMO genre have become without World of Warcraft?

A few weeks back, MOP's Andy mused that it would have been a very different industry without World of Warcraft. As luck would have...
But robots.

The Daily Grind: Is there an MMO endgame that isn’t toxic?

I think it's commonly accepted in the MMORPG community that PvP breeds toxicity. But what I seldom see argued is that PvE can breed...

The Daily Grind: Are there MMO daily rewards that make you log back out?

At the beginning of the month of November, I was irritated at New World for a multitude of reasons but still itching for some...
Again? Still?

The Daily Grind: Are you bothered by boosting in MMOs?

A few weeks ago, the World of Warcraft playerbase was grumbly over a tweet from the new Blizzard co-president that encouraged boosting, which is...

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite MMO’s greatest untapped strength?

Earlier this fall, MOP's Tyler said something that resonated with me: "Guild Wars 2 is a great game that is wholly ignorant of its...

The Daily Grind: Would WoW be better off with a full reboot?

A couple of months ago, Justin and I were joking on the podcast about how what World of Warcraft really needed wasn't WoW Classic...