The Daily Grind: Which multiplayer survival sandbox is the most like an MMORPG?
A week or so ago, I took an ARK: Survival Evolved post out of our newsroom to write up, expecting something mundane. I'm an...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most painful bug you’ve ever encountered in an MMORPG?
I've been playing a bit of Ultima Online lately, and the other night as I was working on my skills, I remembered a horrible...
The Daily Grind: Which MMOs would you include among the greatest RPGs of all time?
Massively OP reader Francois recently pointed us to IGN's Top 100 RPGs of All Time, which we thought was worth a nod since unlike...
The Daily Grind: Do you seek out MMORPG leaks?
Over the past couple of months, the MMORPG community has worked its way through massive leaks of top-secret info: first for Elder Scrolls Online's...
The Daily Grind: Are you Kickstarting Ashes of Creation?
Well, congrats, Ashes of Creation. You did it: You made your $750,000 Kickstarter goal in less than 24 hours, which means we're going to...
The Daily Grind: Are MMORPGs better off without stories?
Last week, Massively OP community veteran BalsBigBrother pointed out -- rightly! -- that while Trove is amusing, it's very much lacking in prepared story or...
The Daily Grind: Do you believe MMO studios release overpowered new classes on purpose?
Yesterday's Elder Scrolls Online press embargo drop allowed us to talk a bit more about the overpowered state of the Morrowind Warden class --...
The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on Dota 2’s plan to require phone numbers for competitive play?
Last week, Valve announced that in order to compete in ranked play, Dota 2 players will be required to register a unique phone number.
The Daily Grind: If you could live in an MMO world, which one would it be?
As much as we complain about MMORPGs, with their grinds and their boredom, even the most kill-or-be-killed ganker paradises would probably be better to...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has seen the most improved graphics over the years?
In each of our articles about Black Desert's upcoming graphics upgrade, there have been a slew of comments about how the game doesn't really...
The Daily Grind: What’s the best old-school MMORPG feature that has never made a comeback?
A couple of weeks ago, Justin and I fielded an epic podcast question from a listener (heya Josh!) about guild systems, specifically about the...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most boring MMORPG around?
I've mentioned in a previous Daily Grind that I once fell asleep in the middle of an incredibly boring raid in EverQuest. It wasn't...
The Daily Grind: What gaming mouse do you use for MMORPGs?
A couple of months ago, I went on a tear desperately trying to find a new mouse both for work and for MMOs and...
The Daily Grind: How important are player economies to MMORPGs?
One of the more alarming trends in MMORPGs from the past few years, to me anyway, is the weakening of in-game economic systems, and not...
The Daily Grind: Do you ever take vacation (or sick) days to play MMOs?
Every time there's a big video game launch, MMORPG or otherwise, I see people joking about calling in sick or taking vacation time to...
The Daily Grind: Does multi-guilding hurt MMORPGs?
Massively OP reader Josh wrote into the podcast recently -- in fact, we're answering his whole email on this afternoon's show -- about the...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO is the worst for ‘trash pulls’?
A week or two ago, Blizzard Watch had a post up polling its readers about which trash pulls in WoW they hated the most....
The Daily Grind: How much do you really care if your MMORPG is super successful?
Earlier this week, we reported on a SuperData revenue ranking report that showed World of Tanks pulling in more cash than World of Warcraft's...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most stable MMORPG (besides WoW) right now?
Massively OP reader Gail made an interesting observation in one of the City of Heroes Master x Master drama threads about what she called "corn...
The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on depictions of animal cruelty in MMORPGs?
Last week, when Guild Wars 2 revealed its latest minipet, there was a minor squabble on the forums as some players objected to it....