
Official Site: Neverwinter
Studio: Cryptic Studios/Perfect World Entertainment
Launch Date: June 20, 2013
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: F2P (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, Xbox One

The Stream Team: Nothing here but us chickens in Neverwinter

Let's be honest: Massively OP's MJ doesn't need any reason to be silly. It can be more difficult for her not to be! But...

The Stream Team: All done with Neverwinter’s The Dwarven King

Sadly, Neverwinter's The Dwarven King doesn't have nearly enough Bruenor Battlehammer for Massively OP's MJ's taste (or even his helm, for that matter!). Instead,...

MMO Business Roundup: The Gearbox sale, GDC 2024, and layoffs for SEGA and Smilegate

Welcome back to another quick roundup of some MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news! Embracer - The ailing games giant announced this morning that the rumored...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 463: WoW’s pirates storm the gangplank

Justin and Bree discuss FFXIV Dawntrail, the Riot MMO, WoW Plunderstorm, the state of Cryptic and its MMOs (Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, Champions Online), ArcheAge 2's delay, Path of Exile 2's beta delay, and New World's next season, with adventures in Elder Scrolls Online, LOTRO, The Sims 4, and SWG Legends, plus a mailbag topic on rekindling the social magic of old MMORPGs.

The Stream Team: Hunting for the helm of Bruenor Battlehammer in Neverwinter

There are some names in the Forgotten Realms that elicit strong emotions and memories for Massively OP's MJ, and Bruenor Battlehammer is one of...

Everything we learned about the future of Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, & Champions Online from Cryptic’s stream

The knowledge that Cryptic's MMOs have been shunted off to a tiny European corner of the Embracer empire is not news to the MMO...

The Stream Team: Starting Neverwinter’s The Dwarven King by R.A. Salvatore

She's not going to lie: Massively OP's MJ was put off from playing Neverwinter when her team discovered they cannot run any of the...

The MOP Up: Lost Skies gets downright cozy inside of its ships

Lost Skies' February dev blog showed off some UX work, early prototypes of its weapon damage system, and some super-cozy ship interior concepts. Also, the...
We good? I hope we're good?

Cryptic CEO says Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online are safe in a ‘steady state’ for content cadence

If you've been worried about the future of Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, or Champions Online recently... well, who can blame you? It's been a...

Embracer confirms layoffs of nearly 1400 people were part of efforts to ‘always maximize shareholder value’

It's only mid-February but already we have a lead contender for most vile CEO quote of 2024: Embracer Group's third quarter fiscal report is...

Neverwinter’s Feast of Lanterns celebrates Lunar New Year starting February 8

Neverwinter joins the long list of MMORPGs engaging with the Lunar New Year holiday this week, as the Feast of Lanterns returns for the...

The MOP Up: War Thunder banned almost 10000 bots since the start of 2024

Bye bye, War Thunder bots! "Over the last month, we’ve blocked 9,569 accounts that were found to be in violation of the rules," Gaijin...

The MOP Up: Path of Exile’s corpses explode less frequently now

Even a middling Path of Exile patch is still a cause for celebration when it arrives, as in the case of this past week's...

Star Trek Online details its next TFO and T6 reward ship, Neverwinter makes several class balance updates

It's time for the Gearbox Software Formerly Cryptic and Probably Formerly Embracer News Bundle for MMOs That We're Still Worried About! The title of...
Something fell.

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v7.0

Once again we put a wrap on another year of MMORPG news, opinions, and -- most pertinent to this column -- history. In a...
Forever and ever.

End-of-Year Eleven: The MMOs with the most uncertain futures in 2024

As I say every single year and several people ignore every single year: This is not a column about the games that are most...

Star Trek Online’s 31st season, Both Worlds, launches on PC January 23

Star Trek Online fans, mark your calendars for January 23rd, as Cryptic is launching Both Worlds, its 31st season, on PC. The storyline cast...

Choose My Adventure: All of the MMOs you made us play in 2023, from Guild Wars to Gorgon

Well here we are, my friends. It's always such a pleasure. Remember when your votes killed me twice? OK, maybe that's being overdramatic, but...

The Stream Team: Chilling in Neverwinter’s holiday village for Winter Solstice

When it's winter and you don't feel like beating your head against Neverwinter's gear score wall, you can relax with some holiday fun in...

Neverwinter and Champions Online dole out a wintry bounty for the holidays

Fans of Cryptic's MMOs might want to take a holiday in those realms so that they can enjoy some of the extra bounties that...