new world

Official Site: New World
Studio: Amazon Game Studios
Launch Date: N/A
Genre: MMORPG Sandbox
Business Model: Unknown
Platform: PC

Take a sneak peek at SWTOR’s planet of shadows

There are a billion planets out there in the Star Wars galaxy, and we have visited only a small fraction of them so far...

The MOP Up: SamuTale’s massive new world (July 23, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Black Desert touts female Striker, Mystic, coming west in Q4

Kakao announced this morning that Black Desert's western version will be launching a female version of the Striker called the Mystic following its debut...
Demons are forever in style now.

World of Warcraft looks to be importing Diablo III’s solo rifts

As a studio, Blizzard certainly isn't against liberally "borrowing" others good ideas and making them its own, so it stands to reason that the...
Elf elf elf.

New World of Warcraft emulator project takes players back to The Burning Crusade era

The muddy waters of emulators and the contentious conversation around World of Warcraft legacy servers is getting a whole lot more crazy this summer, thanks...

Amazon’s Breakaway revamps warriors, confirms more upgrades on the way

Last September, the internet was buzzing about Amazon Game Studios' big reveals, including Breakaway, which the company teased for weeks ahead of time. It...

Final Fantasy XIV opens up a new world to handle Stormblood influx

With the swelling of excitement over this week's early access start to Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood, the studio is taking all precautions to handle...

The Game Archaeologist: Phantasy Star Online

The Dreamcast was a brief but shining aberration in the gaming world. Coming along years after Sega had fallen out of its position as...
Damn right they have feathers.

E3 2017: Nexon’s dinosaur MMO Durango launches Q4 this year

I've been to Colorado's Durango many times, and I can assure you that there are no dinosaurs there. Nexon's Durango, however, is overrun with...

Chaos Theory: Guide to Secret World’s Illuminati faction

Kirsten Geary. That is almost all you have to say when talking about the Illuminati faction in The Secret World. That's because the infamous...

The Stream Team: Preparing for ARK’s active volcano

Another big change is coming to ARK: a live volcano! Devs have recently added special markers to show what will be changing. Unfortunately for...

The reinvented Guns of Icarus Alliance arrives on Steam with fresh PvE

The reinvented Guns of Icarus Alliance is sailing into a bold new world with its debut on Steam. Players can pick up a copy...

Perfect Ten: Time travel in MMORPGs

Over the years, I've been fascinated with the concept of time in MMORPGs. It's one of those things that developers probably don't want you...
But the same old story.

Amazon job posting reveals New World details

A job listing for a player relations specialist may be inadvertently giving us a glimpse of a few details concerning Amazon's upcoming New World MMORPG. Tucked...

Crucible gets Westwood co-founder as its new boss

Hands up: Any Massively OP readers play the crap out of Command & Conquer back in the day? In the '90s, Westwood Studios was...
Hello again.

Massively Overthinking: Is the MMORPG genre taking a much-needed breather?

Massively OP donor and commenter Tibi sent this epic question to our podcast and kindly allowed me to share it here instead for maximum...
But the same old story.

Check out these gorgeous New World screenshots

Ever since last September's surprise announcement that Amazon Game Studios was actually building a sandbox MMORPG called New World, we have been dying to...

Shards Online’s always-on alpha is now live

Citadel Studios' MMORPG Shards Online has formally launched its alpha today. "Alpha for a game like this means we’ve pretty much got all the...
Anyway here's Wonderwall.

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and wishes for MMORPGs in the new year

One of the frustrating bits about our end-of-the-year content rollouts is that sometimes predictions and story roundups can come across as negative. It's way...
Yes, this assuages my nervousness, you bet.

The most popular MMORPG conversations of 2016

Last week, we posted a rundown of the most popular MMORPG articles of 2016, calculated strictly by the number of pageviews they got. Today, we're going...