See: Oculus Rift on Wikipedia
oculus rift
MMO Mechanics: MMORPG mechanics predictions for 2016
In the last edition of MMO Mechanics, I looked back on 2015 and the mechanics I managed to squeeze into the column: We looked...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 46: The high price of VR
Justin and Bree discuss the Oculus Rift's pricetag, Marvel Heroes' David Brevik, Divergence Online, Smed on emus, and TUG, with mailbag questions on tstories, MOBAs, and skill trees.
Make My MMO: Oculus Rift, Greed Monger’s return, and TUG’s $8.5M (January 9, 2016)
This week in MMO crowdfunding news, the Oculus Rift, once a crowdfunded venture, is now asking a whopping $599 for its final product, befuddling market...
Industry analysts react to Oculus Rift’s $600 price tag
What was your reaction when you found out that to hop on board the Oculus Rift train, you were going to need to drop...
Wizard Online takes a stab at a full-fledged VR MMO
With virtual reality headsets hitting the market, a hot topic in the MMO community has been over when we'll be seeing VR merge with...
EVE: Valkyrie’s alpha test will kick off on January 18th
If you've already put your money down for the $599 Oculus Rift, you might be curious about when you can actually get some games...
The Oculus Rift costs a staggering $599
Did you think the Oculus Rift would be $350? Not so fast: Oculus is asking $599 US for its sweet chunk of virtual reality equipment.
Oculus Rift will begin accepting preorders this week
All right! Who's ready to hand over what will likely be more than $350 for virtual reality equipment?
Oculus announced today that pre-orders for the...
MechWarrior Online’s 2016 world championship, steam launch, and more
The MechWarrior Online content train is charging full steam ahead, and that's not just because the game is now on Steam! Back when MWO...
Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: Most Likely to Flop
Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our most likely to flop in 2016 and beyond award.
Last year, Star Citizen took home this dishonor, leading to...
EVE Valkyrie will launch bundled with the Oculus Rift
Oculus and CCP have just announced that the EVE-spinoff VR shooter, EVE Valkyrie, will launch bundled with the Rift itself in 2016.
CCP Bosun joined...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the ‘Not So Massively’ gamer
The holidays are approaching, and that means there's not much time left to get presents for your friends and lumps of coal for your...
Massively Overthinking: Counting the hits and misses of our 2015 predictions
Every year, we lodge our predictions for the next. Funny, strange, and deadly serious, these predictions are a glance back on the naïvetés of 2014 and...
EVE: Gunjack launches on Samsung Gear VR
Not every inhabitant of the EVE Online universe is some fancy hotshot pilot with a billion-ISK warship under his or her seat. As CCP...
Vendetta gets prettier on the Oculus Rift
Did you know that Vendetta Online was the first MMO to support the Oculus Rift virtual reality device? And did you know that Vendetta...
EA is waiting to see how big the VR market is going to be
If you have your heart set on a Star Wars VR title, you'd better not hold your breath. Electronic Arts CFO Blake Jorgensen recently...
Are gamers too cheap for VR?
A new report by research firm GreenlightVR says that only 11 percent of people are willing to pay the projected $1000 entry fee to get...
EVE Vegas 2015: Further Citadel details, Valkyrie, capitals, and skill packets
Though most of the big reveals for EVE Vegas 2015 were front-loaded into day one's EVE keynote talk, a lot of questions were left...
Valve developer claims that VR motion sickness isn’t the fault of the hardware
Are you worried about getting hit by a sense of motion sickness whilst using a VR headset? Valve's Chet Faliszek states that you don't...
ARK video spotlights the headbutting Pachycephalosaurus
The newest bundle of dino joy has arrived in ARK: Survival Evolved, and it sure packs a whollup! Before you say, But I already...