omens of war

Here’s how EverQuest and EverQuest II 2024 progression servers – Anashti Sul, Teek, and Tormax – will work

When Daybreak dropped producer letters for EverQuest and EverQuest II earlier this month, the MMORPG fanbase immediately started buzzing about the new progression servers...

Classic EverQuest launches speed-unlock and ‘true-box’ progression servers

EverQuest II isn't the only EverQuest getting a progression server this week - in fact, its elder sibling EverQuest is getting two, and both...

The MOP Up: Warframe’s community designs stunning fashion

One really neat aspect of the ultra-popular Warframe is that Digital Extremes invites artistic community members to design cosmetics for the game. The best...

EverQuesting: The history of the EverQuest franchise

Back in 2013, I took a walk through the annals of the EverQuest franchise's history. What started as one title not only blossomed into...

The Game Archaeologist: A history of EverQuest’s expansions

I don't know if EverQuest holds the crown title for the MMO with the most expansions, but I'm sure it's among the top three...
Ominous? Does that have the same root?

EverQuest unlocks the Omens of War expansion on its progression servers

Time keeps on slipping into the future for the EverQuest progression servers, Ragefire and Lockjaw. Both servers have put matters to a vote, and...

EverQuest’s Phinigel progression server moves forward

Thirteen years after initially launching to EverQuest's playerbase, the Omens of War expansion is getting another opportunity for a big splash. Yesterday, EverQuest's Phinigel progression...

EverQuest posts 2017 progression server schedule

The Daybreak team is making some adjustments to how it is rolling out its EverQuest progression server unlocks and has provided a post outlining...

EverQuest and EverQuest II will launch new specialty servers this summer

Do you want a little something different in your EverQuest or EverQuest II’s experience? You're in luck: New specialty servers are coming to a...