
Opinion pieces are by definition neither neutral nor subjective. Massively Overpowered’s writers’ editorials reflect their own opinions, not necessarily the opinions of the site or company.

What happens next?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Machinist needs a tune-up

There are three roles in Final Fantasy XIV, but you could argue that one of those roles has three sub-roles. Sure, they all fall...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO plugin?

When I went back to Lord of the Rings Online a couple of weeks ago, I spent a decent amount of time searching the...

Guild Chat: Coping with the loss of your guild

Welcome along to another installment of Guild Chat, my monthly delve into my mailbag in search of some tough guild-related issues that need solving....
Not today, old man.

The Daily Grind: Do you like being ahead of the curve or behind it?

When I play Final Fantasy XIV, I like to be... not on the absolute bleeding edge and rushing through everything, but I want to...

Nexus Telegraph: Rethinking WildStar’s challenges

Back when WildStar first launched, there was a rapid evolution of the general community opinion over challenges. Initially there was excitement over these on-the-spot...

The Daily Grind: What’s most important to you in a space sim?

I am still waiting for my dream space sim to dock at my port, and I'm not sure if it ever will. It's a...

Leaderboard: Would you pay for good anti-cheat measures in an MMO?

Today's Leaderboard comes to us from MOP reader Hagu, who asks how much you value anti-cheat measures in MMOs. Players say they want great PvP,...

The Soapbox: An ode to MMO positivity

I had a strange thought the other day, at least as regards the MMO genre. I'm kinda having fun here. I know, it surprised...

The Daily Grind: Is the sandbox MMO resurgence the result of nostalgia?

This morning's Daily Grind question arrives from Kickstarter donor n3v3r3nder, who wants to talk sandboxes. Do you think of the recent emergence of sandbox MMOs is...

Massively Overthinking: On the popularity of the MMORPG genre

This week's Massively Overthinking comes from Kickstarter donor Syllable, who wonders, "Why do you think MMOs are not as popular as they were few years back?" Is...

EverQuesting: Holly Longdale was right about casuals and raiding

How's the weather over in EverQuest? Well there was a doozy of a storm that rolled through recently! I am going to admit that...

The Daily Grind: What MMO flew completely under your radar?

I just downloaded Uncharted Waters Online via Steam, and while I haven't logged any time with it yet, I'm sort of looking forward to...

Choose My Adventure: Onward and Heavensward

Hello old (and new) friends. It's been quite a while, so I imagine a quick (re-)introduction is in order before we get to the...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Trinity dependence in Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns

I don't know about you lot, but I really enjoy ArenaNet's Points of Interest livestream that airs on its official Twitch channel. It contains a massive...

The Daily Grind: Are dungeon finders a blessing or a curse?

Dungeon finders -- they're great, right? They take away the hassle of forming groups and get scads of players into some of the most...

Global Chat: How Marvel Heroes made a dad a hero

I love a good customer service story, because it reminds me that a lot goes right behind-the-scenes at MMOs that's hardly ever reported. Braxwolf...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 22

Justin and Bree discuss Trove's launch, Skyforge's early access, Star Citizen criticism, RaiderZ's sunset, SWTOR's halt to raids, and The Secret World's big grouping push, with mailbag questions on player frustration with WoW's Draenor content drop-off.

Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s group content overhaul

I am a raider. I'm not one of those raiders who spends every waking moment learning how to optimize gear and spending four to...

Derek Smart calls for FTC investigation of Star Citizen’s finances, presents Chris Roberts with list of demands

Game developer Derek Smart continues to be terribly concerned over the future fate of Star Citizen. After an epic-sized rant last week, Smart posted...

Revival’s Gonzalez: ‘This is a passion project and not a money grab’

Gothic horror sandbox Revival cuts a bit of a polarizing figure, at least early on in its development process and at least here in...