
Official Site: Overwatch
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: May 24, 2016
Genre: Team-Based OFPS
Business Model: B2P
Platform: PC, Xbox One, PS4

The Daily Grind: What class from a non-MMO do you want to see in an MMORPG?

Last week, I was chatting with my husband about SMITE and Overwatch, and I joked that I reaaaaaallly needed to stay away from both...
And here we go again.

Overwatch’s Eichenwalde map and Season 2 are live (gg ez)

Last night's Overwatch patch was hard to miss: It introduces a brand-new map, Eichenwalde, and implemented competitive play season 2 -- almost a week...

Overwatch plans freebie weekend on console starting September 9th

Overwatch has a free-play weekend coming up for those five gamers out there who don't yet own the game -- at least if they're...

Riders of Icarus has dungeons galore incoming

Give the Riders of Icarus team credit: It seems to be very gung-ho in pumping out more content for the relatively new MMO. So...
All of the ladies in this game seem to have an actual class of Clothing Avoider.

New report says South Korean MMORPG companies are ‘facing a crisis’

The Financial Times blog has a doom-and-gloom report out this week on the gaming market of South Korea, specifically the MMO genre. "The country’s online...

The MOP Up: Going on a pirate hunt (August 28, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...
We were the kings and queens of promise.

Superdata’s July 2016 data show Guild Wars 2 surging, Pokemon Go on top

Superdata's July report on online gaming revenues is in, and there are some predictable bits and some surprises. On the P2P MMO front, the...
The rumor, the danger, the threat, the horror.

Overwatch spawns a mysterious ARG teasing Sombra

Overwatch fans have been chasing clues this month in what appears to be a Blizzard-backed viral ARG revolving around Sombra, the character teased earlier this...
Y'all know I love some robots.

Gamescom 2016: Overwatch’s Last Bastion short

Live at Gamescom today, Blizzard pushed out another animated short for Overwatch as promised. Called The Last Bastion, it covers... well... Bastion. Or uncovers him,...

Gamescom 2016: Blizzard plans to show off Legion and new maps for Overwatch and Heroes of the Storm

Unless you're living in some sort of video game-proof hole, you are probably aware that the mighty Gamescom is kicking off tomorrow and running...

Overwatch stares down the barrel of buffs, nerfs, and competitive play changes

Buffs and nerfs. Nerfs and buffs. They're a fact of life in any online game, but when it comes to competitive environments, even a...

The Daily Grind: How do you decide when MMORPG class revisions have gone too far?

A bunch of my guildies flocked back to World of Warcraft during its pre-Legion festivities. One of them mentioned in passing that he'd been...

The Daily Grind: What’s your most memorable MMO fight scene?

We've all been in so many fights in MMOs that they mostly blend together in a memory stew of numbers, phases, buffs, debuffs, animations,...

Overwatch bans public cheater mid-stream

Here's your dose of sweet, sweet justice for the day. A Korean streamer was using an aimbot in an Overwatch match while performing for the...
This should be obvious, but...

Overwatch players are warned: use Lucio in Lucioball or face consequences

The whole point of Overwatch's Lucioball mode is that everyone plays as Lucio. The name of the mode is already "Lucioball," the only character...

Superdata’s June report shows Overwatch, WoW still on top

Superdata's latest report on the worldwide digital games market is out, and Overwatch owned the month of June on PC, to no one's surprise,...

Massively Overthinking: One more chance for WoW Legion?

The World of Warcraft subreddit went nuts this week over a response to a player who told Blizzard that it had "one more chance... again"...

Activision-Blizzard Q2 2016: Overwatch at 15M users, WoW sees growth

Activision-Blizzard has released its Q2 results for 2016. No, you won't be getting hard World of Warcraft numbers -- that all came to an...
Still proud of this shot.

Perfect Ten: The ten things I look forward to with MMO launches

It's not long now until World of Warcraft: Legion launches, which is all that I've been waiting for now for a while. Sure, technically...

Blizzard holds firm on Overwatch’s Olympic promotion

Players who want to collect all of Overwatch's limited-time Olympic goodies will have to deal with disappointment. Blizzard said that it will be staying the...