The studio building Black Desert.
pearl abyss
This Russian Black Desert trailer is worryingly appealing
I should have learned my lesson after the debacle that was ArcheAge, but a part of me is still somewhat excited to play the western...
Black Desert’s western community manager is interviewed, doesn’t say much
Are you interested in Black Desert? If so, a new interview with the game's western community manager might be worth a read. Or it might...
Black Desert releases the Kunoichi class
If you're a fan of sneaking past enemies before exploding out of stealth with throat-stabbing fervor, you might be the ideal player for Black...
Black Desert publisher opens European office in Amsterdam
So when does the rest of the world get to try out Black Desert? We don't know. But that day seems to be getting...
Videos offer impressions of Black Desert’s new Valencia region
While fans in the North American market can't jump in check out Black Desert's latest update (the game needs to launch here first!), they...
Black Desert gets a major update on July 23rd
Would you like to have a large patch to the nascent Black Desert? "No," you said, "I'd like to have an idea about when...
Black Desert video review rips MMO beta as a ‘shallow game’
When it comes to MMO betas, don't you usually want to cut through the hype and hysteria to get at the truth of whether...
Check out all of Black Desert’s costumes
If you're like me, then one of the first questions you have for any new MMO isn't what classes or systems it offers but...
PlanetSide 2 hits European snags, closes in Korea
It isn't all sunshine and daisies for PlanetSide 2, even following yesterday's massive PlayStation 4 launch. For starters, the European servers for all PlayStation...
Here are a whole bunch of Black Desert gameplay vids with an English patch
Reddit user asciisyaez has posted a plethora of Black Desert gameplay videos. The footage was captured on the fantasy sandbox's Korean beta servers, but...
Black Desert launching in Korea on July 14
The gorgeous fantasy sandbox Black Desert will be launching in about a month -- in Korea, that is. The game posted a notice on...
Black Desert’s Korean beta servers will be merged into one this month
Black Desert is exiting its Korean open beta this month. Developer Pearl Abyss and publisher Daum will be merging all the game's servers into...
Massively Overthinking: The language barriers of MMORPGs
This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes from Kickstarter donor XanadoX, who wants us to talk about "playing MMOs in another language: Korean, Japanese, or even...
Gandalf kicks ass in new Black Desert trailer
Still keeping an eye on hyperrealistic sandbox Black Desert? Last night Daum posted a new trailer for the MMO, this one focusing on the...
Here’s a look at the latest Black Desert open world boss battle
Want to see the newest Black Desert boss battle? Head to Steparu's site, as he's got video clips and screenshots of the new creature that...
Black Desert enters Japanese open beta, gets live-action trailer
What do live-action sword-wielding Japanese schoolgirls have to do with Black Desert? Hell if I know, but they're front and center in a new...
See Black Desert’s Plum Flower fighter in action
She's fast, she's furious, and she will cut you to ribbons if you're standing in her way. She's the Plum Flower, the female version...
Is Black Desert changing its tune on gender-locking?
Is Black Desert developer Pearl Abyss having second thoughts about gender-locking the fantasy sandbox's character classes? Maybe so, if a recent fan even in...
Black Desert adjusts for ‘casual lite’ Korean market
Every game changes during testing, but Black Desert seems to have changed even more significantly compared to its original vision from the fan standpoint. One...
Black Desert demos its new Valkyrie class
Eager to take a look at the newest class being added to Black Desert? The fine folks at Steparu have posted a trailer demonstrating...