
See: Pokemon Go

Massively Overthinking: MMO monetization run amok

Over the last couple of weeks, the monetization of unreleased games has become a pervasive and uncomfortable theme for the MMO genre. Just in...

Pokemon Go Fest unleashes summer events in the US, Europe, and Japan

Can you believe Pokemon Go is almost a year old? Remember back when there was so much PoGo news that we gave up and...

Massively Overthinking: 2017’s MMORPG zeitgeist

This time last year, I polled the Massively OP writers for their opinions on which MMOs had had the best year, or half year,...

Another study finds Pokemon Go improves players’ physical activity

Yet another academic group has published research suggesting that Pokemon Go can be a useful tool for promoting exercise. Duke University researchers funded by the...

SuperData April 2017: Smooth sailing for World of Warcraft, Overwatch, and Hearthstone

SuperData's April worldwide digital video games market summary has arrived, and with it we get a glimpse into the top gaming studios. And only...
Don't put me in a ball dude what the heck.

Legendary pokemon are teased for Pokemon Go as a new anti-cheat measure auto-bans bots

Remember how last summer was all about Pokémon Go? That's probably not going to happen again this year, but the team behind the game...

The MOP Up: Neverwinter’s green beetle fiasco (May 21, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

University researchers harness Pokemon Go for education

Researchers continue to find new ways to make Pokemon Go dance for science. In a new paper, Iowa State University's Emily Howell suggests that...

Russian Pokemon Go player sentenced over blasphemy law

The 22-year-old Russian vlogger convicted of playing Pokemon Go inside a church has been hit with a 3.5-year suspended sentence. Ruslan Sokolovsky was found "guilty of inciting...

Pokemon Go’s first Knight Foundation event is this weekend in North Carolina

Pokemon Go really wants to get you outside and moving. That's the gist of its new partnership with the Knight Foundation, through which Niantic hope...
Avec les hommes et le Pokey.

Pokemon Go player faces up to 3.5 years in Russian penal colony over blasphemy law

A 22-year-old Russian vlogger is facing prison time for playing Pokemon Go inside a church. Last summer, Ruslan Sokolovsky recorded himself playing Pokemon Go on...

MMOARG dev sues Milwaukee county over Pokemon Go-inspired park ordinance

Remember back in February when Milwaukee County in Wisconsin tried to handle the whole "Pokemon Go players are destroying parks and costing municipalities cash...

EverQuesting: EverQuest II wins big with Beast’r Egg event

Did you participate in EverQuest II's Beast'r Egg hunt live event this past week? If not, I'm sorry to say you missed your chance;...

Pokemon Go interview appears to confirm gym raids this summer

Just a week ago, Niantic told Pokemon Go players that "all new cooperative social gameplay experiences" were on the way, which led to speculation...

Massively OP’s spring and Easter MMORPG event roundup

Bunnies and eggs! Flowers and grass! Lots and lots of chocolate as we hoard every Cadbury thing we can find! (Or maybe that's just...

Study claims playing Pokemon Go is associated with happiness attributes

A research team from the University of Wisconsin–Madison has a paper out this month purporting to show that Pokemon Go play essentially makes people happier,...

Pokemon Go counts 65M players, plans gym raids and co-op gameplay

Niantic's latest Pokemon Go post might seem like a mundane thank-you note for all its many awards, but there are two bits buried within...

U.S. district court hears Pokemon Go trespassing lawsuit

Last summer when Pokemon Go took off, so did the lawsuits from property owners who claimed Niantic was effectively encouraging players to illegally trespass...
Oh, yeah, all is well, totally.

Pokemon Go has lost 80% of its users a year after launch

There are two ways to look at the latest player numbers from Pokémon Go. The first is to say that things are downright peachy;...

The Soapbox: Why is Pokemon GO still a tech demo?

I've been a bit frustrated with Niantic lately. I love some of its ideas, but I watched someone else play Ingress prior to Pokemon GO's...