
Perfect Ten: 10 more MMOs you’ve already forgotten ever existed, from Elyon to Defiance

Last year, I assembled a list of 10 former MMOs that not only have ceased to exist but have ceased to be remembered (for...
Image unrelated.

Daybreak bought Palia studio Singularity 6 and aims to bring the game to launch

File this one under "did not see this coming in a million years but also not sad about it whatsoever": Daybreak has acquired Palia...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with NCsoft’s long-awaited Throne and Liberty, launching September 17

Most of the games I played at Summer Game Fest were more enjoyable than I expected - including Throne and Liberty, which was probably...

SGF 2024: Hands-on with PvE-centric sci-fi horror survival shooter MMO Once Human

For those who saw Once Human and thought, "Gee, that kind of looks like a mix of H1Z1 and The Secret World," you're not wrong based on...

Persist Online interview: CipSoft explains why Persist is an MMORPG, not a survival shooter

Earlier this week, we covered the surprising news that Tibia developer CipSoft has a new MMORPG on the way. At least, the studio is...

Star Wars The Old Republic’s GU 7.5 Desperate Defiance launches today alongside The Acolyte collab

Star Wars The Old Republic's 7.5 patch is upon us today, as servers went down at 8 a.m. EDT this morning to prepare. The...

Massively Overthinking: Does challenging solo content belong in MMORPGs?

Star Wars The Old Republic's plan to implement new solo challenge content called Ventures in its Desperate Defiance patch raised more than one eyebrow...

Perfect Ten: My top 10 favorite MMOs across two decades

Normally in these Perfect Ten lists, I'm very outward-facing. I like to create lists that are as helpful or amusing as possible for others...

Fallout 76 vs Fallout 4: Which is better to play in 2024?

Growing up as a computer gaming geek, I've been quite the Fallout nerd since 1997 (and, arguably, since Wasteland in 1988). Other than Tactics,...
Create and destroy alike!

EG7 Q1 2024: Daybreak still mum on PlanetSide 2, new H1Z1 game hires lead designer

It's not even been two weeks since Daybreak owner EG7 published its 2023 annual financial report, which of course omitted everything relevant that happened...
so bye

Fallen Earth and APB Reloaded celebrate Little Orbit Week six years after their acquisition

Believe it or not, it's now been six years since Little Orbit acquired Gamers First, and along with it, APB Reloaded and Fallen Earth....

The Daily Grind: Are you optimistic or pessimistic about SWTOR’s future?

We are in an interesting season with Star Wars: The Old Republic -- and no, I'm not talking about a PvP or Galactic Conquest...

APB Reloaded answers questions about matchmaking, server merging, and content updates

Little Orbit CEO Matthew Scott continues to remain the primary source of internal comms for APB Reloaded, as he took up player questions and...

EG7’s 2023 annual report claims Daybreak and SSG collectively count 264 staffers

Swedish gaming conglom EG7 released its annual report this week, and while there isn't a ton of new-new in it for those of us...

Star Wars The Old Republic’s GU 7.5, Desperate Defiance, includes a farming system and solo Ventures

We don't have a hard launch date, but Star Wars The Old Republic's Update 7.5 has a name and a face, as revealed by...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 464: Guild Wars 3 is a go

Justin and Bree discuss NCsoft, Guild Wars 3, DCUO, Monsters and Memories, Hellgate, and the LOTRO downtime, with adventures in Elder Scrolls Online, SWTOR, and Valheim, plus a mailbag topic on Palia.

New Hellgate game for PC and console, codenamed Hellgate Redemption, is in the works

Hellgate: London is mostly known nowadays as the IP that just won't die despite resurrections continuing to prove to be increasingly shambolic - a...
City again.

Perfect Ten: MMOs that experienced a surprising comeback

It's hard to pass up a really good comeback story. We love it when a beloved something or someone is counted down and out......

Perfect Ten: MMOs with live-action media tie-ins

Every so often I think to myself that a video game should get some kind of media adaptation before I come to my senses....

SWTOR teases GU 7.4.1 Building a Foundation’s Copero Stronghold and Date Night romance content

The BioWare-turned-Broadsword team behind Star Wars The Old Republic is once again heading to Twitch to outline the game's immediate future, which includes GU...