progression server
Casually Classic: Are the new WoW Classic servers actually a Burning Crusade ‘waiting room?’
When Blizzard abruptly announced last November that it was launching the 20th anniversary servers -- WoW Classic Classic -- the studio gave many assurances...
The Daily Grind: Would a Star Wars The Old Republic progression server work?
A few years ago, it seemed like progression servers were all the rage in MMOs. And why not? They're a great way to revisit...
Choose My Adventure: Blade & Soul NEO doesn’t seem that different from Blade & Soul to me
I suppose I might have tripped myself up going into this month's game in terms of expectations. See, I know that Blade & Soul...
Dungeons and Dragons Online livestream dances around 64-bit server reveals and a possible progression server
With the 19th anniversary of Dungeons and Dragons Online in full swing and plenty of content coming down the pipeline in 2025, this quirky...
EverQuest II tosses eight new raids in to the mix while unlocking two progression server expansions
Any old MMORPG can pump out an expansion and make a big deal out of it, but what about more than one in a...
You can predownload Blade & Soul NEO today: Here’s everything we learned at the press event
NCsoft isn't calling Blade & Soul NEO this, but "B&S Classic Plus" is the fastest way I can communicate to core MMORPG players just...
Casually Classic: Why vanilla Classic’s quest system was an industry revolution
In every retrospective covering World of Warcraft's explosive success out of the gate, there's a lot of effort spent trying to put a finger...
EverQuest II opens the Desert of Flames beta for Anashti Sul server players January 27
The roadmap promised, and Daybreak's Darkpaw Games delivered: EverQuest II is beginning the beta for the Desert of Flames expansion for players on Anashti...
Casually Classic: WoW Classic’s 20th anniversary servers should’ve started at Burning Crusade
Two months. It's now been two months since WoW Classic did a huge re-launch of its progression servers under the widely mocked "Classic Classic"...
EverQuest and EverQuest II released full 2025 roadmaps – and of course, new expansions are coming this fall
It's roadmap week over in the land of EverQuest, as Daybreak's Darkpaw Games has delivered roadmaps for both Original Flavor EverQuest and New Coke...
Casually Classic: What does WoW Classic’s future look like?
Welcome to 2025, WoW Classic fans! What began as a somewhat reluctant legacy version of this MMO a little over five years ago has...
Massively Overthinking: The top three MMOs we played in 2024
I know from experience that when I list out the MMOs I want to play in a given year, it is an aspirational list....
Lord of the Rings Online opens up Mines of Moria on the 64-bit progression servers
For Lord of the Rings Online players on the Mordor and Angmar servers, it's 2008 all over again. That's because SSG is unlocking the...
LOTRO continues extensive Moria rework, readies progression servers for next steps
Lord of the Rings Online's first expansion is being treated to a sweeping set of improvements on the eve of certain progression servers entering...
WoW Classic Classic launches tonight with fresh progression servers and some changes
It's (re)launch day for WoW Classic, as Blizzard opens the doors this evening to a batch of fresh start megaservers around the globe starting...
Lord of the Rings Online is revamping Mines of Moria for the December 4 launch on the legendary servers
In the secret places of Lord of the Rings Online, the developers of legend dug too deep and unleashed a slew of antiquated instances...
EverQuest II’s 21st expansion, Scars of Destruction, officially launches today
Strap on your sword belt and memorize your full book of spells, for EverQuest II is calling the faithful back to its fold for...
Perfect Ten: 10 ways to put your MMO back on players’ radars
Running an MMORPG isn't like Field of Dreams. You can't just create a game and expect that everyone will show up because a magic...
Lord of the Rings Online offers a final video preview of this week’s Legacy of Morgoth
It's launch week for Lord of the Rings Online's latest expansion, which means it's your last opportunity to study up on what's coming in...
LOTRO Legendarium: The rise and fall and rise of Mines of Moria
With Lord of the Rings Online's Angmar and Mordor progression servers looking forward to entering the first expansion sometime in December, thoughts have once...