
Elder Scrolls Online kicks off ‘#10MillionStories’ campaign in honor of 10M players

Back at E3, the ZeniMax Elder Scrolls Online team announced that it had accumulated 10 million unique players since its original launch in 2014 -...

Warframe’s Plains of Eidolon is aiming to launch by Friday the 13th

Are we there yet? Almost, actually. Digital Extremes told Warframe players yesterday that the Plains of Eidolon expansion is coming sooner that you might...

Perfect Ten: The 10 live MMORPGs everybody should try

If you have ever visited the MMORPG subreddit, you probably know that one of the most frequent posts that pop up are ones asking...

Global Chat: The MMO community’s Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire impressions

It is kind of impossible to stroll around the MMO blogging community as of late and not trip and fall into a pool of...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 138: Mystery MMOs and the mobile revolution

Justin and Bree discuss Guild Wars 2, LOTRO, Star Trek Online, the mobile MMO avalanche, in-development MMOs from AAA studios, Black Desert's Kamasylvia, and Camelot Unchained, with mailbag questions on the MMO industry going backwards and the small touches in MMOs.

Conan Exiles updates community on farming, PS4 development, and console/PC parity

Conan Exiles' latest community update is a great example of why excessive community updates might not really be necessary. The team spends a ton...
Which witch witched which?

DC Universe Online brings back the Witching Hour once again for Halloween

It's the most wonderful month of the year, especially if you like the ghoulish or the macabre, and DC Universe Online is already planning...
Now fight for something!

Wisdom of Nym: The last batch of revelations for Final Fantasy XIV 4.1

Well, time to get my running shoes on, Final Fantasy XIV's next patch is coming out on October 10th and I'm aiming for a...

The Daily Grind: Is Destiny 2 an MMO?

Massively OP reader Sray suggested we open a can of worms today, and I just happened to have a can opener handy. "Is Destiny 2...

Global Chat: What’s going on with Daybreak?

Do you ever give MMOs a questioning stare and find yourself asking to no one in particular, "What is up with Daybreak these days,...
Big summer blowout?

Final Fantasy XIV Stormblood launches 4.1 The Legend Returns in October

Did you think that the final boss of Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood was difficult? You'll probably be singing a different tune when you face...

Battle Bards Episode 106: Early access themes

Instead of looking back at MMORPGs this week, the crew of Battle Bards launches forward into early access! What would a show about music...

Blizzard releases a proper mobile app for Android and iOS

What is going on with these days -- if it is still being called that this week, that is? (It is.) It turns...

Perfect Ten: How MMORPGs become so darn complicated

MMOs are complicated. This seems like a fairly non-controversial statement; there are more or less complicated games, but they all tend to be complex...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 137: Hotfooting down the Path of Fire

Justin, Bree, and Tina discuss Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire, Guardians of Ember, the EverQuest franchise, Villagers & Heroes' Starfall, Secret World Legends, Star Trek Online, and Ultima Online F2P, with mailbag questions on the best time to join a guild and deal-breaker MMO features.

Elder Scrolls Online’s Clockwork City DLC is aimed at explorers and mystery buffs

ZeniMax has a new dev blog up on The Elder Scrolls Online's Clockwork City DLC today, teasing the update and explaining just why it...
Now the story can be told...

Wisdom of Nym: Deep-diving Final Fantasy XIV’s leveling structure

I do a lot of leveling in Final Fantasy XIV. This is, in part, because I am stupid; for several dumb reasons I have...

The MMO Book Club votes between Guild Wars 2, Secret World Legends, DCUO, EverQuest, RuneScape, ArcheAge, and WoW

Hey, remember the MMO Book Club? That's the Reddit-and-Discord group that allows members to vote on a game to play, then organizes a guild...

Happy 20th birthday, Ultima Online! Here’s how to get caught up on the OG MMORPG

Just about 20 years ago, my boyfriend and I were wandering through Media Play (heh) when he picked up this box for some new...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs get rid of levels?

I would like to say that when I was a kid playing my first MMORPGs, I was impervious to the grind, that I embraced...