
[AL:Rift]Official Site: RIFT
Studio: Trion Worlds
Launch Date: March 1, 2011
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid F2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

MGI’s 2022 financial report is bad news for RIFT and most of Gamigo’s remaining MMOs

Gamigo and KingsIsle parent company MGI recently posted its 2022 financial report, and things aren't looking great for interest and investment into current and...
We have Au Ra at home.

Lawful Neutral: What if Activision-Blizzard just… sold Blizzard?

Last week, Activision-Blizzard and Bobby Kotick got a bad surprise: The UK moved to block the acquisition of ABK by Microsoft, citing concerns over...

The Soapbox: MMO housing is so much more than a frivolous feature

When The Sims launched in 2000, what seemed like a dull and laughable concept on paper proved to be one of the most compelling...

Destiny 2 Season of Defiance mid-season update buffs a bunch of weapons in PvE

Dang, it seems like Destiny 2's Season of Defiance just started, and Bungie's already rolling out its mid-season update. Gonna need time to slow...

Why I Play: Diablo III – From pre-release to Reaper of Souls

It's hard for me to believe that Diablo III's May 15th, 2012, release was over a decade ago. And despite its reputation of being...
Find the path.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO boasts your greatest number of account unlocks?

MMO account unlocks: You know they're one of the most powerful legal narcotics of the video game age. By pre-ordering this title, snapping up...

Destiny 2 begins its next exotic weapon quest and Trials of Osiris, readies Iron Banner, and tweaks Guardian ranks

Regular players of Destiny 2 are likely already familiar with some of the new content and chases applied to the game recently, but for...

Gamigo hosts St. Patrick’s Day scavenger hunt across RIFT, Trove, and Fiesta Online’s social media

We learned a couple of new things today, thanks to Gamigo. First, we discovered that you can include little pictures as part of URLs,...
Being back in Azeroth might be a little more reassuring.

Former Trion boss Scott Hartsman illuminates the rise and fall of RIFT

Yesterday, we ran an editorial from MOP's Tyler focused on his reasoning that MMOs are better off showcasing their own special attributes than tearing...

The Soapbox: Hating on the competition is no way to promote an MMO

Recently, RIFT was back in the news, offering free subscription time to new and returning players. While I salute Gamigo's generosity here, whenever the topic...

Perfect Ten: 10 small Guild Wars 2 details that make it special

I find that there's this special window of time that happens when you return to an old favorite MMO that shouldn't be missed. It's...
Reveal to me your secrets! Please.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 411: The way to Wayfinder

Justin and Bree discuss Amazon, Throne & Liberty, New World, Wayfinder, DDO, Gamigo, and RIFT, with adventures in LOTRO, ESO, New World, and SWG Legends, plus mailbag topics on putting ourselves in MMOs and themed character designs.

One Shots: That moment when you missed your cruise ship’s departure

The day had started so promisingly. You had docked in a tropical port full of free-flowing wine, endless parties, numerous souvenir shops, and nary...

ArcheAge challenges players to rack up the most jail time for doing crime

Well, now I've seen everything: ArcheAge actually has an achievement for doing hard time. OK, technically, it's a "record" you can set in the game's...

Games startup Elodie Games announces Project Skies, a ‘social cooperative action RPG game’

At this point, we all see a press release from a new startup studio with tons of investment money touting devs from the likes...

RIFT kicks off Carnival of the Ascended in celebration of its 12th birthday

Go ahead and pinch yourself to check, but you're not dreaming: Gamigo's now done two good things for RIFT in the span of a...

Gamigo is granting 15 free days of sub time to new and returning RIFT players

Has Gamigo abandoned RIFT? Given the lack of updates and massive layoffs and tiny population, you might think so, and we've certainly been wary...

Gamigo mandates that RIFT and Trove accounts be linked to Steam

If you're one of the faithful players who continue to adventure in RIFT and Trove under Gamigo's operational oversight, then you'll need to take...

Perfect Ten: Ranking 10 MMORPG map designs from worst to best

When I was a kid, I loved poring over maps in our family's atlas when we went on road trips. Getting a kind of...

Massively Overthinking: That moment when you realize an MMO is truly something special

MOP commenter Bruno tweeted something the other that that I thought would make a fun topic. Here's what he said, printed with permission: "Wanna know...