rogue server
ArcheAge rogue server AA Classic is hobbled by launch woes
We don't generally cover rogue servers for still-alive MMORPGs here on MOP, but this weekend's messy launch for an unsanctioned player-run classic version of...
The Daily Grind: What’s your most recent screw-up in an MMORPG?
Last weekend, I logged into SWG Legends after good long while of playing other MMOs. I knew I'd been neglecting my vendors (sorry, shoppers!),...
Kakao partially denies report that ArcheAge will sunset following XLGAMES restructure
Korea's Money Today News has a disturbing scoop on turmoil at XLGAMES that appears to mean layoffs inside the studio - and a closure...
Choose My Adventure: What Warhammer Return of Reckoning taught me about my competitive nature
I used to believe that I wasn't a very competitive person. Sure, I could consider myself stubborn and driven to excel, and I most...
City of Heroes Rebirth brings buffing Pandora’s boxes, harder task force challenges, and power proliferation July 23
It is the Dawn of Genesis for the Rebirth rogue servers of City of Heroes. Or rather, it will be when Issue 6 goes...
Massively Overthinking: The MMOs that are worth their dreadful early gameplay
I think many of us are primed to roll our eyes at anyone who says "oh man, just keep playing, it gets better later...
Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning lets players craft special jewelry during the Twilight’s Tide event
For fans of the Warhammer fantasy IP, having a celebration turn into a time when there are even more demonic and chaotic threats is...
Choose My Adventure: PvP and RvR bring reward and rage in Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning
It was pretty darn clear what you folks wanted me to experience next in the Return of Reckoning rogue server for Warhammer Online, and...
Star Wars Galaxies Restoration rogue server expands galactic civil war mechanics in latest update
If you think the galactic civil war feature that played out in Star Wars Galaxies was kind of humdrum back in the day, perhaps...
The Daily Grind: What does a rogue server for a departed MMO need to grab your attention?
By their very nature, rogue servers for MMOs we've lost are not going to have the population of the live game. They're inherently smaller....
Choose My Adventure: A Warhammer Online Return of Reckoning reunion with a dash of WAAAGH
It's criminal that there aren't as many Warhammer games that use the Orks. They're my favorite group in the game purely because they just...
City of Heroes Rebirth rogue server promises ‘an epic challenge’ with Issue 6’s task force challenge modes
If you're the kind of player on the City of Heroes: Rebirth rogue server who is itching for a challenge, then you are being...
The Stream Team: Soaking up Star Wars Galaxies on its 20th anniversary
It's a bit ironic that Massively OP's MJ is celebrating (and streaming) both of her favorite games' anniversaries today, and both non-original iterations are...
Working As Intended: My 20 years of Star Wars Galaxies
Last year, when Ultima Online turned 25 years old, I did a piece reminiscing on those early days and marveling that so much of...
Massively Overthinking: Which MMOs are memorable but not actually fun?
Earlier this week, we ran a Daily Grind on MMOs that are fun but not especially memorable, throwing it back to a quote from...
Choose My Adventure: Finding frustrations in Age of Conan
If that headline wasn't a big enough clue, then let me just go ahead and reaffirm: This week, life in Age of Conan was...
SWGEmu’s Finalizer rogue server is apparently struggling to make its monthly budget
One of the topics that doesn't get talked about all that much in the MMORPG rogue server space is how old-school emulators get paid...
Open Perpetuum continues building up features, PvE gameplay, and functions of its Gamma Islands zone
Back in 2021 we noted a major revamp arriving to the Gamma Islands area of the fan-run Perpetuum emulator Open Perpetuum, with a full...
SWG Legends launches Empire Day, plus check out this player’s amazing Star Wars Galaxies swag collection
As promised, Star Wars Galaxies rogue server SWG Legends has kicked off its summer-anniversary-4th-of-July combo event this week, sending players to Theed or Coronet,...
The Stream Team: Trying out the Storm Blast powers for real in City of Heroes Homecoming
Last time in the Homecoming rogue server of City of Heroes, MOP's Chris was peeking at the Storm Blast powerset in the PTS. This...