The other day I was mucking around with my outfit on SWG Legends and having some conflicting emotions. First, I was grateful that the game has a cosmetic system because a lot of old MMOs don’t. Second, I was marveling at how old the concept of cosmetic gear actually is. And third, I was wishing that it got an update because ug, I’m tired of fussing with invisible appearance tab gear.
Now, I don’t really expect a rogue server for a 20-year-old game to do this; I’m just happy it’s playable at all, and bless the volunteers making those hamsters run. But the MMO genre has come a really long way with things like dye systems and wardrobes in the last two decades. Games like Guild Wars 2 make the now-ancient SWG a-tab (and similar systems, like LOTRO’s wardrobe) look a little primitive.
Which MMO has the best cosmetic system? What should modern MMOs be copying for their cosmetics?