
Star Wars: The Old Republic has a free minipet and companion for you

Free expansions, free mounts, and free character slots. Star Wars: The Old Republic has been buttering its players up lately, and that trend is...

The Repopulation preps for ‘massive’ patch next week with world bosses and fishing tournaments

Mark your calendars for next Wednesday, November 8th, because this is the day that The Repopulation will get back on the patch train once...

Warframe developer Digital Extremes is building a new ‘free-to-play action MMO’

Sharp-eyed readers caught some interesting information in Digital Extremes' latest company report. The Warframe developer slipped in a line that it was working on a...

Activision-Blizzard Q3 2017: Destiny 2 tops console charts, WoW monthly users are ‘stable’

If you were expecting big news out of Activision-Blizzard's Q3 2017 financial report... sorry to disappoint you, but you've probably heard the big news...
So secretive!

Choose My Adventure: The truth is out there about Secret World Legends

Oh, Secret World Legends. What are you? Are you a Frankensteinian change forced upon an existing beloved game that sucked some of the life...
things are going great

WildStar patches in Primetime and preps November booster events

The most recent patch for WildStar is Primetime, and it is indeed all about making it the time for Prime. The Genetic Archives raid...

The Stream Team: Blowing up that blasted SWTOR Star Fortress

Just as the Star Wars movies come in threes, Massively OP's Larry and MJ's Star Fortress adventures come in threes. Today will be the...

Hyperspace Beacon: Datamining suggests big changes for SWTOR’s companions

It might be a little hypocritical of me to read into the datamined information from Star Wars: The Old Republic's upcoming patch 5.6, but...

Perfect Ten: 10 MMOs where you can live out your giant robot fantasies

Two years ago, NCsoft dealt a harsh blow to a certain subset of gaming fans when it canned the development of Project HON. This...

EA’s Star Wars Battlefront II and Phoenix Labs’ Dauntless walk back lockbox plans

Hey, you folks who say complaining about lockboxes never changes anything? You're demonstrably wrong. It turns out that EA, which increased its revenues last quarter...

The Scream Team: Challenge MOP to a Halloween Hide and Shriek duel

It's All Hallows' Eve: A time to spook and scare folks (and probably gorge on candy!). And Massively OP's MJ challenges you to a...

So here’s what’s going on with EVE Valkyrie now that CCP’s downsized

Yesterday, MOP's Brendan reported on the startling news that CCP Games, long known for its flagship MMORPG sandbox EVE Online and more recently known...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 142: The state of the sci-fi MMO genre

Justin and Bree discuss SWTOR, Destiny 2, RIFT, CCP's studio closures, Warframe, and Star Citizen's CitizenCon, with tidbits on Guild Wars 2, Trove, Secret World Legends, LOTRO, WoW, and BlizzCon, and a mailbag question on the future of traditional MMORPGs.
Try it out.

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris brings Mercury, a level cap increase, and another Firefly actor

Ready for Destiny 2's next big thing? You have about a month to prepare. Curse of Osiris, the first major post-launch content update for the sci-fi...

Star Trek Online tells a scary story for Halloween

Despite its utopian idealism, Star Trek isn't a stranger to the occasional scary tale or horror-themed outing. Captains in Star Trek Online have faced...

EA has put the kibosh on a player-run Battlefield emulator – are MMOs next?

We don't cover the Battlefield games much on Massively OP, but this particular story caught my attention anyway because of the company and subject...

CCP Games ceases VR development, closes two studios – no negative impact on EVE Online

Icelandic business website has just reported that EVE Online developer CCP Games is planning to close two of its offices and cease all...

Here’s what you missed from last weekend’s Star Citizen’s CitizenCon 2017

While it surely won't comfort anyone angrily counting down the days until alpha 3.0's eventual release to all backers, Star Citizen's CitizenCon 2017 delivered an...

Destiny 2’s players grumble over lack of social features; Bungie posts Curse of Osiris release date, trailer

The original Destiny featured such robust social features as poorly managed chat options and a total dearth of social features to help people form...
We listen.

SWTOR has a round of ‘utility changes’ coming to classes in Update 5.6

Those who thought that all of the big class changes that have been rocking Star Wars: The Old Republic over the past few months...