
One Shots: Gassy and bloated

I do think that we, as a culture, have become disturbingly obsessed with selfies, but I will always make an exception for anyone who...

Here’s the full list of Trion Worlds’ Black Friday deals

As you plan your Black Friday shopping strategy (ours: sleeping in and lazily shopping on Amazon Prime), Trion Worlds wants to help out by...
Alas and alack.

WildStar teases Black Friday deals

Shh, don't tell NCsoft that WildStar is still operating! If we're all good and still, then the closure-happy studio might overlook this struggling-but-fun MMO....

The Daily Grind: What’s keeping you from going back to a favorite MMO?

It's weird to think that I've been playing Star Wars: The Old Republic on and off since its release. Seems like such a long...

Elite: Dangerous player is reaching out to speak with the game’s inscrutable aliens

Remember that Star Trek: The Next Generation episode where the crew spent the entire episode tracking down and struggling to communicate with a destructive...

Overwatch kicks off a free play weekend across all platforms

Destiny 2 who? Overwatch is aiming to lure in as many of Blizzard's players as possible with another free weekend. The best part? It's...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on the tech behind procedural cities

If you lost your mind over Star Citizen's procedural cities reveals at CitizenCon a few weeks ago, you definitely need to tune in to...

EVE Online layoffs lead to the end of a fan tournament

While studio layoffs have an immediate effect on the people that are let go, the ramifications of such decisions can end up impacting players...

Star Wars: The Old Republic delays the release of the Yavin warzone from patch 5.6

Players of Star Wars: The Old Republic will be able to start taking part in the latest bit of the traitor storyline with the...
In a big country...

Warframe gives players a free skin, activates Operation: Plague Star

Tenno, come and get it! Get your free skin, that is. To celebrate the full release of Plains of Eidolon across all platforms this week,...

Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris brings an infinite forest, Mercury, and new raid lairs

Are you tired of MMOs providing you with bland and predictable finite forests? Thank goodness that Destiny 2 is here to show other MMOs...
I what

Battle Bards Episode 109: Club Penguin

When you’ve got a club full of penguins overseen by the Mouse House itself, you know things are going to get both wacky and...

Hyperspace Beacon: Assessing SWTOR one week after the big server merges

Many people believe that server merges are innately bad because in games like ArcheAge (or even all the way back to Star Wars Galaxies),...

The Stream Team: New chapter on a new server in SWTOR’s Knights of the Fallen Empire

With the Star Fortress destroyed, Massively OP's Larry and MJ can return to the main storyline in SWTOR's KOTFE expansion. They are even...
feelin' fine!

Bungie posts Destiny 2 Curse of Osiris trailer, kicks off expansion stream

MMO studio streams are so common that we seldom report on them until after the fact and then only if they've actually revealed something...
We never like these things.

Former SWTOR dev talks about designing ethical lockboxes

An extensive Twitter thread from former Star Wars: The Old Republic lead systems designer Damion Schubert grappled with the timely and touchy topic of lockboxes and microtransactions...
Health deferred.

EVE Online adds new Alpha training injectors to offer subscriber training for a day

Starting out fresh as a free player in EVE Online is hard to manage. It's not just that you're new in a world filled...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 144: Harry Potter and the Deathly ARG

Justin and Bree talk Guild Wars 2 mounts, the Harry Potter ARG, SWTOR's merge, WoW, LOTRO, Pocket Legends Adventures, Android games, and Bluehole's Ascent: Infinite Realm, with mailbag questions on GW2 marketing, visual effect shenanigans, and MMOs as escapism.

NCsoft Q3 2017: Lineage M drives record profits, Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire isn’t too shabby either

NCsoft had an exceptionally good third financial quarter this year, reaching a record high in sales and operating profit for the company, and it's...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on WoW’s proposed new PvP system?

Buried in the World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth reveals earlier this month was the huge PvP news that eventually, PvP servers, like the...