
science, together, fun

EVE Online enlists community aid in real-world scientific research

EVE Online is warping into a sector where hobbies and scientific research intersect. CCP Games announced that it's partnering up with The Human Protein...

Get your time travel on with Dark Era

While time travel has certainly been done as part of MMO quests, could an entire game revolve around the sci-fi concept? Dark Era, a...

The Stream team: A Saturday stomp in MechWarrior Online (plus giveaway)

What to do when a snowy storm rages on out in the real world? How about rage a little yourself inside MechWarrior Online where...

Star Citizen’s Around the Verse on ‘Star Engine,’ new hires, and Port Olisar design

The latest of installment of Star Citizen's Around the Verse has arrived and sees the return of Ben Lesnick to the show. Lesnick and...
That's going to take an engineer to fix, ironically.

Elite: Dangerous is not abandoning the Oculus Rift

In response to a Eurogamer article that seemingly suggested Elite: Dangerous was dropping support for the Oculus Rift headset in favor of SteamVR, Frontier...

Firefall’s update is live and servers are up, but old characters are still offline

The most recent Firefall patch faced some pretty significant downtime due to issues with its implementation; players were updated on the state of the...

Star Trek Online celebrates its sixth anniversary with a time-travel episode and giveaways

Star Trek Online seems to be one of those MMOs that always does its anniversaries justice. As the game hits its sixth birthday this...

Star Citizen showcases actress Gillian Anderson’s Squadron 42 role

Cloud Imperium is hyping Squadron 42 in today's behind the scenes video, this one showcasing the involvement of X-Files actress Gillian Anderson, who remains...
Set sail, etc.

Perfect Ten: Ten MMO tropes we don’t need in 2016 (but clearly aren’t going anywhere)

All right, we've had just about a month of 2016 now, and I'm writing this on my birthday. Odds are good that I'm going...

Firefall’s Razor’s Edge update suffers migration-related delays and downtime

Firefall's Razor's Edge update yesterday didn't exactly go to plan, which you know if you've been desperately trying to log in to no avail. Red...

Paladins aims for more MOBA-like gameplay, less customisation

When Hi-Rez Studios first revealed its upcoming online shooter Paladins, people immediately started comparing it to Overwatch and the slew of MOBAs on the...

Check out post-apoc sci-fi MMORPG Trinium Wars’ reveal trailer

Sci-fi and fantasy post-apoc fans are in for a treat today as Hanmaru Soft and InselGames have formally announced Trinium Wars for PC. Touting...

Working As Intended: What Star Wars Galaxies got wrong

If you've listened to Massively's staff and readers talk about Star Wars Galaxies a little bit, you might come away with the impression that...

Firefall releases Razor’s Edge update, disables west coast datacenter

If you heard an earth-rumbling boom this morning and didn't know the source, let us tell you: It was the arrival of Firefall's 1.6 update,...

Analysts consider NCsoft’s 2016 prospects: Guild Wars 2, WildStar earnings dip predictions

Last March, Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo Securities wasn't that hopeful on the financial future of WildStar. Little has changed in the firm's opinion for 2016,...

Jukebox Heroes: The top 10 EVE Online music themes

One of the great things about the EVE Online soundtrack, other than its perplexing popularity despite being mostly an ambient synth score, is that...

Hyperspace Beacon: Is SWTOR losing its MMORPG cred?

One of the recurring gamer complaints about Star Wars: The Old Republic is that it's becoming less and less an MMORPG over time. With Knights of the...

EVE Online’s plans for the Citadel expansion and skill trading

The big excitement in the EVE Online world right now is the upcoming Citadel expansion, which is slated to arrive sometime this spring. CCP...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG for shy gamers?

A few weeks ago, Massively OP's Eliot Lefebvre wrote about the intersection of social anxiety and MMOs. It was a surprisingly popular article, with gamers...
Well, here's hoping, at least.

Firefall prepares for update 1.6 with more than a day of downtime

Here's the bad news for Firefall fans: the game is going down for maintenance on January 19th at 11:00 a.m. EST, and it's staying...