One Shots: Soft and squishy, yet fierce and determined
If MMORPGs, anime, and children's cartoons have taught me anything -- and really, it's where I get most of my learning these days --...
One Shots: A night of masks and intrigues
The Princess Bride rightly taught me to be suspicious of anyone wearing a mask, which is why I keep my candy in a locked...
One Shots: Secret underwater garden
I don't know much about plants, as evidenced by all of my vegetable projects that withered and died this past summer, but I've heard...
One Shots: A most adorable destroyer of the cosmos
As we enter the delicious aroma of fall and the spine-shivering thrills of Halloween, is there any MMO that deserves to be revisited this...
One Shots: Corpulent beauty
When you're looking to take a break from the nine-to-five killing grind, where do you go? Star Wars: The Old Republic's board of tourism...
One Shots: Stones in silence
When they aren't being pooped on, defaced, or used as backdrops for narcissistic selfies, statues have a particular quiet dignity and a magic all...
One Shots: The best flex of all time
A maxim that has served me well so far in life is, "You are never too busy to stop and gawk at a sight...
One Shots: Just a minute, Mom, I’m playing with my virtual dollhouse!
If playing with physical dollhouses is your entry-level and full-on interior decorating your advanced mode, then video games offer a middle ground to those...
One Shots: Dragons don’t come with windshield wipers
Every time I see someone flying on top of a dragon or other winged mount, all I can imagine is a huge bundle of...
One Shots: Bumping into an old, old friend
When you log back into an MMORPG after a long time away, that feeling of being an intruding stranger is pretty strong. But you...
One Shots: Bongo Gully 3
People, I am going to go stark broke this year. It's really not a good year for an RPG gamer on a budget, what...
One Shots: Making your way in the world today takes everything you’ve got
At the end of a busy and exhausting day of clobbering kobolds and cleaning up after dragons, the need to crash at a comfy...
One Shots: Yet not as messy as my teen son’s room
Some weeks we begin our One Shots tour with breathtaking vistas that leave you an emotional wreck as you silently cry at your computer...
One Shots: Dance like no one’s watching
Let's kick off this week with period-appropriate disco music, fancy threads, and the coolest Orc you peons ever saw. Minimalistway is tearing up the...
One Shots: Every character in Diablo IV looks really, really grumpy
If there's any consistent theme in Diablo IV aside from a blatant attempt to make Lilith this year's Halloween cosplay template, it's that every...
One Shots: Rotisserie Rogue
For our headlining picture this week, we spy Hirku Two creeping around the Cogs in Dungeons and Dragons Online. While I applaud the use...
One Shots: The hero of your story
No matter how legendarily humble you are, it's hard to escape games trying to make you the central hero. When a cutscene literally shines...
One Shots: Time for a well-deserved bio break
One can only imagine how it would be if our MMORPG characters were like the Sims with bladder meters. We'd have to pause raids...
One Shots: Dragons don’t like to be in the dark
Just because dragons are big and scaly and can nuke cities from orbit doesn't mean that they lack insecurities. In fact, it's a little-known...
One Shots: Saturday night at the Sith disco
While Star Wars: The Old Republic's Sith aren't usually known for carefree and festive folks, that is a myth. Every Saturday night, they like...