One Shots: The best flex of all time


A maxim that has served me well so far in life is, “You are never too busy to stop and gawk at a sight that you’ll most likely never see again.” Even superheroes aren’t immune to the fascination of a visual oddity, such as a flexing gorilla that’s holding up street traffic. Wait, that’s a guy? OK, I totally thought it was a gorilla. Maybe he needs a shirt, “NOT A GORILLA.”

DC Universe Online was more fun than I expected,” admitted Minimalistway. “Here is a fake ‘hero’ showing off on the street.”

Of course, the whole point of high fashion is to make others notice you, even if you happen to be a diminutive Hobbit!

“Here’s a glamour shot of my bank alt in Lord of the Rings Online because, why not? Also, it’s the only character on my account that would wear that robe,” posted Bel.

And staying in Middle-earth for a bit, here’s an in-your-face encounter I had with one of LOTRO’s most iconic bad guys — the Weeping Warrior — and his pimped-out ride. I really hope he has a seat belt on that thing, because it’s a long way down even when it’s not flying!

Have you ever arrived at a truly massive set of doors in an MMO and paused to wonder (a) what building company made these, (b) how those hinges are oiled, and (c) how annoying it would be to open and close those daily? These went through my mind as Utakata traveled through heaven’s gate here in Blade and Soul.

Bree shared this next one, saying, “What I thought was the Guild Wars 2 end boss for Secrets of the Obscure turned out to be just a regular zone event! This was the coolest MMO fight I’ve ever seen in 26 years. That tiny cluster of particle effects at the bottom is the players — that’s how big this thing is.”

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Every week, One Shots shines a spotlight on the best community screenshots from your MMO adventures. If you have a great pic to share, email it to with the subject “One Shots.” Make sure that the picture is over 880px wide and comes with a description or story!
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