server merge
ArcheAge taking sign-ups for free server transfers soon
In just a few days, ArcheAge will begin accepting sign-ups for server -- sorry, evolution -- transfers.
Trion Worlds announced yesterday that players affected by...
Runes of Magic creating a new chapter for 2016
It's been pretty quiet in Runes of Magic's neck of the woods this year, but that doesn't mean that Runewaker has been coasting. In...
EverQuest II plans server ‘consolidation’ in August
It's all well and good to prefer lower-population servers, but you can also reach a point when the population is so low that you can...
EverQuest 2 will merge servers ‘within the next few months’
EverQuest 2 producer Holly Longdale says that Daybreak will merge US servers on the long-running fantasy MMO "within the next few months."
She says that merges...
APB: Reloaded wraps up server merges
There's good news in store for APB: Reloaded players who have been weathering server merges in North America. The move is done, and while...
Survarium reverses its disastrous server merge
Even though they may be feared, server merges are a fact of life in many MMOs. One such merge came this past April in...
APB: Reloaded PC server merges incoming
Starting next month, APB Reloaded will be merging its current PC population in the west onto two improved servers, one in Europe and one...
Atlantica Online introduces its Shadow Legion update
Eight new playable mercenaries have joined the Atlantica Online roster with yesterday's patch. The Shadow Legion consists of martial arts beggars who have begun...
Runes of Magic plans server merges
North America and Australia Runes of Magic players, buckle up: You're about to experience some server merger turbulence. During this period, drink service will...