Battle Bards Episode 155: FFXIV Shadowbringers
Welcome to the “Cursed Episode” of Battle Bards, where you’ll be risking bad luck and poor RNG rolls just by hearing it! But it...
Jukebox Heroes: The best of Fallout 76’s musical score
Last week, composer Inon Zur took to Twitter to celebrate a big moment: "Dear Friends,
Fallout 76 has been nominated for Best Original Video Game...
Jukebox Heroes: Exploring World of Warcraft Battle for Azeroth’s patch music
One of my favorite modern trends of MMORPGs is that studios are no longer saving the entirety of a soundtrack for the base game or expansion releases. Oh sure, those usually get a great album push -- especially if it's one of the bigger games -- but for a while now, many studios have also been releasing new music on a steady basis with significant content patches.
The MOP Up: KurtzPel is getting a dash of Lime
KurtzPel is getting its newest hero, Lime, very soon, and to lead up to her release the game is winging a CP and AP...
Jukebox Heroes: Exploring EverQuest’s official soundtrack
It is fairly rare for an MMORPG to sell an official soundtrack these days unless the game is fairly prominent (i.e., Final Fantasy XIV...
Battle Bards Episode 154: Death and decay
Get an early jump on Halloween with the Battle Bards, as they grab the nearest shovel and start unearthing all sorts of morbid and...
Second impressions: Astellia Online’s launch version is a solidly average MMO
So... here's the thing about Astellia Online. You remember my first impressions piece? I freely acknowledged that the game was fundamentally a fine title...
Sandbox MMO Project C launches $149.99 founder packs, plans October closed alpha
Remember Project C? It's the SpatialOS-based open-world persistent sandbox MMO by Darewise, the same company that along with studio Nvizzio struggled to make the gorgeous space...
Battle Bards Episode 153: Elder Scrolls Online Summerset
Gryphons, Elves, and gobs and gobs of singing people — that’s Elder Scrolls Online: Summerset for ya! The Battle Bards return to Tamriel to...
Jukebox Heroes: The best of FusionFall’s soundtrack
I can't say that I was ever that cognizant of Cartoon Network's foray into massively multiplayer online gaming. FusionFall is lumped into that category...
Perfect Ten: Why Fallen Earth was a flawed gem of an MMO
Even though I half-expected it for a while now, the news of Fallen Earth's demise earlier this month made my heart sink. Way back...
Players held a steamy Release 69 ‘dance party’ in Shroud of the Avatar
We assume most MMO players are at least aware of the more "adult" roleplaying that goes on in the quiet corners of our genre...
Battle Bards Episode 152: Main Themes 3
Back for a third round, the Battle Bards examine a slew of main themes from MMORPGs! Considering how essential these themes are in making...
Jukebox Heroes: The best of Dragon’s Quest X’s soundtrack
While just about everyone knows about Square Enix's ashes-to-glory story with Final Fantasy XIV, what often goes unnoticed is that the company runs a...
Astroneer hits PS4 launch November 15, with new Xbox and PC update on September 4
The game of Astroneer is all about reaching out to new environments and exploring new worlds, so the game's announced arrival to the world...
Battle Bards Episode 151: Minions of Mirth
It’s an MMORPG you’ve never heard of. It’s an MMO soundtrack you’ve never heard, period. But as intrepid explorers of the musical unknown, the...
Jukebox Heroes: Hearthstone’s hilarious trailer songs
Pull up a chair and quaff some hearty ale, for today we're going to look at Blizzard's game-within-a-game-universe, Hearthstone. Now, Hearthstone's soundtrack is a...
LOTRO Legendarium: Lord of the Rings Online’s prettiest and ugliest places
Depending on how you count it, at the present Lord of the Rings Online boasts somewhere around 45 zones -- a vast improvement on...
Flameseeker Chronicles: What would a mobile Guild Wars 2 look like?
Ever wished Tyria could fit in your pocket? That dream could one day become a reality. A couple of weeks ago, we heard rumblings...
WildStar composer Jeff Kurtenacker’s second Q&A talks unfinished music, the end of OST sales, and NCsoft
The always generous and lovely Jeff Kurtenacker, composer of WildStar's outstanding score, has uploaded the second episode of his JK Q&A series of videos...