The movie-watching world lost one of its greats when actor Christopher Plummer passed away on Friday, leaving behind a legacy of notable performances including...
Justin and Bree discuss Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood, Fallout 76, Star Trek Online, Magic Legends, the GameStop stock thing, and Amazon Game Studios' mess, with adventures in WoW Classic, LOTRO, SWG Legends, and ESO, plus a mailbag topic on questing vs. grinding.
This year's anniversary event for Star Trek Online bet big on the Klingons with new Klingon episodes, Klingon recruitment, and a Klingon-themed anniversary ship. Turns...
Justin and Bree discuss Pantheon, the KingsIsle and Jagex buyouts, World of Warcraft, Star Trek Online, and Guild Wars 2, with adventures in WoW, LOTRO, and SWG Legends, plus mailbox topics on underwater combat and choosing between MMO subs.
Klingons flying Federation ships? Romulans tooling around in a Section 31 Battlecruiser? What sort of madness is this? It's Star Trek Online shrugging at...