star trek

See: Star Trek Online

Star Trek Online’s tale of two Leetas

If Star Trek has taught us anything, it's that midriffs and goatees signify that you're from an evil parallel universe -- and that more...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Star Trek Online announces its third expansion: Agents of Yesterday

Space, the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starships named Enterprise. Their continuing missions have been to explore strange new worlds, to...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 61: Update-o-rama!

Justin and Bree discuss WoW Legion, Ascent, Guild Wars 2, Star Trek Online, RIFT, and LOTRO, plus mailbag questions on The Secret World and WoW killers.
Look at the time!

Interview: Star Trek Online’s 11.5 mid-season update

Yesterday's Season 11.5 update for Star Trek Online is a bit of a hodgepodge, an assortment of several separate pieces all sitting in the...

Enter to win a Star Trek Online Vaadwaur Astika Heavy Battlecruiser from PWE and Massively OP

In honor of Star Trek Online's mid-season 11.5 launch, PWE has granted Massively OP five Vaadwaur Astika Heavy Battlecruisers to give away to our readers! "Battlecruisers of the...
Time after time after time etc.

Star Trek Online launches Season 11.5 today

Are you tired of Star Trek Online's clunky old skill system? Are you eager to start showing your strategic side in space battles? Do...

Star Trek Online is working on its next expansion and the return of exploration

Star Trek Online captains who are feeling the pinch of being denied exploring those final frontiers might soon have a reason to rev up...

Star Trek Online introduces a ship cosmetic system in Season 11.5

Star Trek Online Lead Programmer Daniel "FlyingTarg" Razza has good news for captains who want to micromanage just how pretty their ships are. Beginning with...

William Shatner lends voice to Elite: Dangerous addon

HCS VoicePacks, a website that sells Elite: Dangeous voice addons in collaboration with Frontier, will soon have a new one from Star Trek actor...

Star Trek Online’s mid-season Temporal Front update arrives next month

PWE and Cryptic announced this afternoon that Star Trek Online's mid-season update is due to begin on April 12th. It'll kick off with the Temporal...

Global Chat: ARK invents new types of griefing

Just when you thought you've seen every type of online griefing known to man, here comes another. In An Age grouses about how ARK:...

Star Trek Online previews the new Strategist secondary specialization

Starship captains in Star Trek Online will be able to be just a bit more tactical with the launch of Season 11.5. The interim...

One Shots: Hook, line, and sinker

Personally, I don't get the appeal of fishing in MMOs, mostly because I get super-fidgety if I have to stand still in-game for long...
It's not particularly cruel.

Massively Overthinking: The curse of player-generated MMO content

The influx of new player-generated-content-oriented MMOs might make you think that PGC is on the rise, but if you've been around the genre for...
Everybody's a friend.

Star Trek Online plans an Admirality campaign for the Romulan Republic

The Romulan Republic has been in the background for a bit in Star Trek Online. Obviously the faction is still important, considering that it's...
Memetic's sloth was less disturbing.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 52: Horror sloth!

Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert 's cash shop, H1Z1, Guild Wars 2, ArcheAge's laundry, Devilian, Grim Dawn, FFXIV, and TSW, with mailbag questions on voiceover localization.

HTC Vive will cost $799 but comes with two controllers and sensors

There's no getting away from it, VR gaming is going to be an expensive hobby to get into. Between the high system specs required...
I get the temptation, but you are not actually a captain.

Interview: The scoop on Star Trek Online’s skill redesign

I make no secret of the fact that I'm very fond of Star Trek Online, but I also make no secret of the fact...
Build that skill up.

Star Trek Online is overhauling its skill system (again)

The skill system in Star Trek Online is kind of a hot mess. It always has been, from the game's initial launch skills to...
Tuesday point five.

Star Trek Online details the art design of the Tier 6 flagships

Every Star Trek series has its iconic ships, and for Star Trek Online, the factional flagships fulfill those roles. Those flagships have recently received...