star trek

See: Star Trek Online

I get the temptation, but you are not actually a captain.

Interview: The scoop on Star Trek Online’s skill redesign

I make no secret of the fact that I'm very fond of Star Trek Online, but I also make no secret of the fact...
Build that skill up.

Star Trek Online is overhauling its skill system (again)

The skill system in Star Trek Online is kind of a hot mess. It always has been, from the game's initial launch skills to...
Tuesday point five.

Star Trek Online details the art design of the Tier 6 flagships

Every Star Trek series has its iconic ships, and for Star Trek Online, the factional flagships fulfill those roles. Those flagships have recently received...

The MOP Up: Anarchy Online opens its Reck room (February 14, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Massively OP’s guide to MMO podcasts

Podcasts are certainly splendid means of feeding one's MMO interests and keeping in touch with the news and community. It's always great to hear...

Star Trek Online previews the new Tier 6 flagships

The Odyssey-class cruiser, the Scimitar-class warbird, and the Bortasqu'-class battlecruiser serve as the flagships for each of their respective factions in Star Trek Online....

Ask Mo: Re-reviewing MMORPGs and birthday shenanigans

Mo's been collecting letters to the editor for me to address in Ask Mo for the past month or two, and this one from...
Fighting the good fight... in really, really ugly armor.

Star Trek Online is discontinuing its Mac client

Star Trek Online is officially discontinuing support of its Mac client. Perfect World says that following the Mac client's recent struggles and the support required...

The Game Archaeologist: Perpetual’s Star Trek Online

If you're among the legions of Trekkies, then you are almost certainly aware of Cryptic Studios' Star Trek Online. Since early 2010, players have...
I get the temptation, but you are not actually a captain.

How MMO studios wield ‘YouTube influencers’

Kotaku has posted what it's calling "a behind-the-scenes peek at what it looks like when YouTubers shill for game companies." Perfect World Entertainment, well-known to...
Go bold.

Star Trek Online details the benefits of the anniversary Krenim Science Vessel

The sixth anniversary of Star Trek Online is nearly upon players, complete with all of the requisite celebration events. That means plenty of little...

Star Trek Online celebrates its sixth anniversary with a time-travel episode and giveaways

Star Trek Online seems to be one of those MMOs that always does its anniversaries justice. As the game hits its sixth birthday this...
Making it all better all over again.

Star Trek Online holds a recovery event for the rest of January

The galaxy of Star Trek Online has just finished dealing with a destructive war against a race of almost incalculable age and power. There's...

One Shots: A blast of winter joy

Aw, you guys! The call for winter and holiday screenshots proved to be a sustaining request, as many of you kept sending in more...
Never over.

Perfect Ten: The 10 best MMORPG updates and expansions of 2015

There is no way we can list all of the great updates in a given year. It's not possible. We are always going to...

The best MMO deals in the Steam winter 2015 sale

It's the holiday season! A time for cuddling up before a cozy fire, enjoying loved ones, sharing memories, and... just kidding. It's time to...

The most popular MMORPG conversations of 2015

One of my favorite things to do every year is look through Livefyre and round up the articles that you guys just would not...

One Shots: Winter… is here!

A few weeks ago we put out a call for winter and holiday-themed screenshots. Two readers responded with multiple pictures each, so today's column...

Grab a Star Trek Online T6 Valiant key from PWE and MOP [All gone!]

In honor of Star Trek Online's New Dawn release this past autumn, PWE and Cryptic have granted Massively OP 50 keys for the popular...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: The 10 best free-to-play MMORPGs

You know one of the reasons I like writing this column? Because one of these days I'm going to be able to make a...