star wars

Star Wars Galaxies
Star Wars: The Old Republic

Massively Overthinking: MMOs, from hardcore to casual and back again

Massively OP reader Suikoden wrote this great question to the podcast -- too good to let just Justin and me answer it. It's a...

Battle Bards Episode 96: SWTOR expansions

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” With those words, you know you’re in for a rollicking good adventure — and some...
This was a television show.

Perfect Ten: Conversations with anthropomorphic concepts of MMO studios

Every so often, a man needs to have a conversation with some anthropomorphized concepts. I do that every few years. In the past, I've...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 112: Heroic measures

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Ship of Heroes, SWTOR, Secret World Legends, Black Desert, EVE Fanfest, LOTRO, WoW, and GW2, with reader mail on MMO dress-up and City of Heroes successors.

BioWare delays SWTOR 5.2 for a week, might be working on KOTOR 3 and a ‘semi-MMO’

Let's rip off this band-aid quickly: There will be no SWTOR Update 5.2 today. BioWare announced on the forums that it is delaying the...

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s War for Iokath dailies allow you to play both sides

If you're angling to jump back into Star Wars: The Old Republic for GU 5.2 tomorrow, better take a look at BioWare's latest developer...

SWTOR posts a trailer for next week’s big raid update

All set for next week's War of Iokath landing in Star Wars: The Old Republic? We've been getting details in dribs and drabs, especially...

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s galaxy map gets a big do-over

Star Wars: The Old Republic is getting a new quality-of-life feature in the form of a revamped galaxy map, BioWare's Eric Musco told forumgoers...

The Stream Team: An audience with SWTOR’s Lady of Sorrows

Strike up the band! She's been elusive, but the Lady of Sorrows has found Massively OP's MJ and Larry and now the duo have...

Star Wars: The Old Republic reveals its first raid in two years

When the developers of Star Wars: The Old Republic told us they were going to focus on more group content for Knights of the...

Global Chat: The fallout over Secret World Legends

The fallout over The Secret World's reboot into Secret World Legends has spread far and wide over the MMO blogging community, with many expressing...

SuperData examines gambling practices across the online gaming industry

Gambling in video games has been a huge topic for devoted MMORPG players over the last year or so, as core MMOs like Guild...

Hyperspace Beacon: Star Wars The Old Republic will finally allow us to switch factions

Long-time players of Star Wars: The Old Republic: In the next update 5.2: The War for Iokath, you will finally be able to switch...

Massively Overthinking: The City of Heroes Master X Master debacle

On Tuesday, NCsoft announced that it plans to introduce Statesman, from the long-sunsetted City of Heroes, as a playable character in its MOBA, Master...

Jukebox Heroes: Your favorite MMO themes, #18-13

Last week we were off to a great start as we listened to the first batch of player-voted favorite MMO themes. As I said...

The Stream Team: Looking for SWTOR’s Lady of Sorrows

Senya went off to do some "work," leaving Massively OP's MJ and Larry to skulk about SWTOR's Old World of Zakuul to learn more...

Hyperspace Beacon: If you’re not playing Star Wars: The Old Republic, why are you still subbed?

Let me start this article by answering my own headline: It's partly because I'm an idiot and cannot let go of this IP. Star Wars:...

South Korea’s Netmarble to launch ambitious IPO

South Korean Tencent affiliate Netmarble announced today that it will launch an initial public offering to the tune of $2.35 billion US. That works...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs ever retire classes?

Last week, I asked the Massively OP readers whether World of Warcraft needed another class (I want the Bard, obviously). But one Facebook fan...

Tamriel Infinium: Battlegrounds will change Elder Scrolls Online PvP forever

I've read all the impressions from the PAX East show that I could find, and they were all overwhelmingly mild -- including ours. As you...