star wars

– Star Wars Galaxies
– Star Wars: The Old Republic


BioWare says ‘SWTOR is absolutely being supported into the future’

BioWare Producer Ben Irving has a new letter out for Star Wars: The Old Republic players reassuring them of BioWare's committment to the game....

Fight your way to the top in SWTOR’s Eternal Championship

Remember back in Knights of the Old Republic when you had to duel your way to the top of an arena in Taris? BioWare...

Global Chat: An MMO to call home

Home. It's what many MMO gamers are looking for in a title: to plant down roots and find a place that exudes belonging. What...

The Stream Team: Starting SWTOR’s Shadow of Revan

It's time to move on. MassivelyOP's Larry helped MJ work through Makeb, and now her Agent can finally delve into the Shadow of Revan...

Vette gets a big gun in SWTOR’s next chapter, Profit and Plunder

Hot on the heals of last week's producer livestream announcement, we've gotten a look at the next Knights of the Fallen Empire chapter for Star...

Character transfers in SWTOR were (temporarily?) free last night

Our embedded reporter in Star Wars: The Old Republic -- me! -- discovered first-hand last night that character transfers had been made free for an unknown reason. This...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 60: Nostalrius down

Justin and Bree discuss Nostalrius, TERA, Black Desert, SWTOR, DDO, Guild Wars 2, and WoW, with mailbag questions on Kickstarters and Tabula Rasa.

Hyperspace Beacon: Impressions of SWTOR’s Visions in the Dark for gamers still on the fence

After the last couple of lackluster chapters, I’ve lowered my expectations for the Star Wars: The Old Republic story. Not because I think that...

Jukebox Heroes: Six MMO tunes for a starry night

I am in love with the night. No, I'm not an emo vampire or Batman (although...); I've just always appreciated the quiet and peacefulness...

Battle Bards Episode 72: Listeners’ request anniversary

Can you believe it -- it's the third anniversary of Battle Bards already! Three years ago, Steff, Syp, and Syl joined forces to create...

SWTOR launches heist chapter ‘Profit and Plunder’ on May 3rd

If you have early access for the latest chapter in the continuing saga of the Star Wars: The Old Republic expansion Knights of the...

Hyperspace Beacon: Three things SWTOR’s Eternal Championship needs

Hello BioWare, It’s me again, your average Star Wars: The Old Republic fan. You remember when I complained about Chapter 10 of Knights of the...
You let me down, man.

Star Wars: The Old Republic launches Visions in the Dark with its latest update

Are you of the mind that Emperor Valkorion in Star Wars: The Old Republic is an enormous jerk, or are you more in the...

Hyperspace Beacon: Dear SWTOR community, keep being passionately casual

Star Wars: The Old Republic community, I listen to your podcasts and read your sites nearly everyday, but I realized that it’s been almost eight...

BioWare is fixing the SWTOR sub cartel coin allotment bug

Observant Star Wars: The Old Republic players have been noticing that cartel coins granted to subscribers haven't been accruing properly over part of the past year,...

MMO Mechanics: MMORPG expansions vs. sequels

The recent news about EverQuest Next's cancellation has renewed the debate about whether or not MMOs should get sequels, which have given me plenty...

One Shots: Tokyo sunrise

"I've been playing The Secret World for about three years now, but even after all this time, I'm still regularly stopped in my tracks...
Somebody loves you, and that's good.

Superdata predicts China will buy up more western gaming publishers

Superdata has released a summary of its research on the worldwide digital games market for February 2016, claiming that the digital games market sales...

Hyperspace Beacon: The importance of pacing in a SWTOR roleplay event

Last time I talked about roleplaying in spite of game mechanics, I didn’t really get a whole lot of comments. I don’t know whether...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best cosmetics system?

Cosmetics, costumes, transmogrification, appearance tab -- whatever you want to call them, cosmetic systems are a big deal in MMORPGs in 2016. While you...