
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

Not yours, but... all right, yes, not funny, sorry.

Dark Age of Camelot adds revamped bosses and more guild symbols

When your friends in Dark Age of Camelot want to take a trip to Spindelhalla, do you pretend that your internet connection has died?...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 55: Black Friday fallout

Justin and Bree take on EverQuest Next's cancellation, WildStar's layoffs, the future of the EverQuest franchise, and the state of the genre.
Look at me!

Final Fantasy XIV posts its third video diary on visual design

Final Fantasy XIV is a very pretty game. Even if you don't play it, you can see that a lot of care has been...

Player-created space cities arrive in EVE Online when Citadel launches April 27

CCP has announced that EVE Online's next big expansion, Citadel, is officially landing on April 27th following EVE Fanfest. At the heart of the expansion...

Hyperspace Beacon: Should you resub for SWTOR: Disavowed?

Hello, friends. I hope you don’t mind my calling you that. I do respect my readers. Thankfully, most of you are rational and thoughtful....
The path was found after all.

Pathfinder Online strikes out against item duping

Some players are finding out the hard way this week that Pathfinder Online isn't going to overlook item duping in the name of keeping...
Holy elves, Elfman!

Hearthstone offers a new hero for World of Warcraft players

Odds are pretty good that if you already play World of Warcraft, you have probably taken Hearthstone for a spin. The game is now...

WildStar’s Chad Moore: ‘There are still exciting days ahead’

Last Friday's announcement from Carbine about its layoffs and WildStar's cancelled China launch was doused in a double-dipping of PR-speak. For those who found that...
Nobody can get enough of the rock.

WildStar is definitely still launching on Steam

WildStar's Chad Moore reassured Reddit and Twitter today that the game's Steam launch is still on the way following last Friday's news that 40% of...
I know, I usually don't reuse these so quickly, but come on. This time it makes perfect sense.

Wisdom of Nym: Materia melding on tome gear in Final Fantasy XIV

One of the big additions with Final Fantasy XIV's patch 3.2 was tomestone gear with materia melding slots. This is something very new for...
Holy arts.

World of Warcraft outlines the state of PvP in the Legion alpha

The big change coming to World of Warcraft's PvP in Legion is a brand-new honor system, and like anything else that's been changed wholesale...
Yes, this assuages my nervousness, you bet.

Working As Intended: The fate of the MMORPG genre

I don't think I'm exaggerating to say that this past weekend was a strange one in the MMORPG community, when gamers across the wide expanse...
So light it up.

Final Fantasy XIV welcomes players back to the game with a free login campaign

A great deal of things changed in Final Fantasy XIV with the most recent patch, from the mentor system to the Hall of the...
It's a jumping-off point!

Final Fantasy XIV’s Hatching-Tide brings new barding, new hats, and new music sheets

Most reliable scholars of Eorzea agree that the second Calamity was ushered in on March 15th, when Hatching-Tide started in Final Fantasy XIV once...

Guild Chat: How to tactfully leave a guild

Welcome along to another edition of Guild Chat, my little corner of Massively Overpowered in which I tackle readers' guild-related problems with the help...

The Game Archaeologist: The sad saga of Stargate Worlds

In 1994, a science-fiction movie called Stargate took the idea of alien portals that allowed people to travel instantaneously across the universe and turned it...
What we do

Camelot Unchained squishes bugs and improves performance in crunch time

The Camelot Unchained team is hard at work bringing the game into a beta state, and that means killing bugs. The good news is...

World of Warcraft CM Zarhym leaves Blizzard

Long-time World of Warcraft Community Manager Jonathan Brown has left Blizzard, according to a brief notice on his Twitter account. There was no explanation...
But robots.

WildStar suffers major round of layoffs

Update: WildStar has allegedly suffered a massive round of layoffs as part of a "reorganization"; some sources suggest as many as 60 70 people...

WoW Factor: Levels and legends in the Legion alpha

The alpha testing for World of Warcraft's next expansion rolls on, with the vague hope that we might actually have a beta tag by...