
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

EVE Online’s Project Discovery netted almost half a million classifications in its first day

First announced back in 2015, EVE Online's Project Discovery got underway this week. It's a science collaboration that rewards EVE players in-game for playing a...
Plus one.

Massively Overthinking: The state of WildStar

This week's Massively Overthinking focuses entirely on WildStar, out of whose devs we've been trying to get answers -- never mind reassurance about the game --...

Final Fantasy XIV’s newest patch brings The Feast to live servers

If you've grown weary of the PvP options available in Final Fantasy XIV, take heart that today brings you a new method for beating...
When you're out in the club and you see a fly girl, do the creep!

New and tweaked class specs arrive in WoW’s latest Legion build

The testing for World of Warcraft's next expansion is almost finished adding new specs for players to try out as the latest Legion test...

EVE Online’s Project Discovery makes scientists out of capsuleers

Wouldn't it be great if instead of playing gems or trolling general chat during your MMORPG downtime, you could be contributing to real-world science?...
Watch us sit down and program!

Camelot Unchained plans livestreaming through its crunch week

The City State Entertainment offices currently have a clock that has only one time listed on it, and that time is "crunch." The programmers...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you revisited lately?

While it might be more exciting to check out a brand-new MMO, I find that it's often easier and requires far less energy to...

Black Desert impressions from around the MMO blogosphere

When a new game comes out, you can play it cautious by waiting for reviews or you can roll the dice and take your...

Battle Bards Episode 70: MMO Ambience

While loud and brash music might be what often grabs our attention, the astute soundhound will keep an ear out for beautiful low-key pieces...

EVE Valkyrie shifts from testing to launch this month

Do you all remember betas? They used to be something games went through, back in the days before early access, alphas, pre-alphas, and pre-pre-alphas....

Massively OP Podcast Episode 54: Something fishy is afoot

Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Path of Exile, Guild Wars 2, No Man's Sky, World of Fishing, and AdventureQuest 3D, with a mailbag question on broken dev promises.

Exclusive: Shards Online’s skill system dev diary

Indie sandbox Shards Online is barreling toward its 2016 launch, promising a creator's paradise for those willing to steer their very own servers. Today, Citadel...
I said - what's cooler than being cool? ICE COLD!

WildStar posts a fan-made preview video for the Arcterra patch

Are you eager to start exploring WildStar's next major patch? You have to keep waiting a little bit longer. You can, however, take advantage...
Make it everything.

Final Fantasy XIV explores the team behind the story of Heavensward

Final Fantasy XIV continues offering players a look behind the scenes of the game's development with a second video today. The first one explored...
Gotta go... well, mostly just away.

EVE Online delays its March update

Today was going to be the day that EVE Online dropped another monthly patch to its live server. It's not happening, though, and you...

The Daily Grind: Where are all the MMORPG themeparks?

A reader named Rogbarz emailed us toward the end of last year, lamenting the fact that we have a lot of upcoming indie games...
This was only the start.

Wisdom of Nym: Odds and ends from Final Fantasy XIV’s patch 3.2

I spent all of the last column talking about Final Fantasy XIV's most recent patch, but boy, there's still more to talk about. Who...

EVE Evolved: Analysing EVE’s new Economic Reports

EVE Online's massive and largely player-run economy has been a frequent topic of discussion on MMO blogs and gaming news sites over the years. The unregulated...

Camelot Unchained: Picking flowers, rocking armor, crafting all the things

Camelot Unchained's latest dev update went up last night, and it's predictably dense. Along with the usual list of dev card updates, there's a...

Massively OP’s guide to MMORPG death penalties

In real life, when you die the penalty is... death. You just get that one go at things. But in MMOs, player characters are...