
Subscription MMOs are generally those that restrict play to gamers who pay an ongoing fee, usually monthly, though shorter and longer subscriptions, as well as lifetime subs, do exist. Some free-to-play and buy-to-play games also include optional subscriptions.

The Stream Team: Peeking behind WildStar’s beta doors

MassivelyOP's MJ was all set to sneak you behind WildStar's closed beta doors to give you a peek at what's going on for the...

Perfect Ten: Ten well-known voice actors behind SWTOR’s characters

When it launched, Star Wars: The Old Republic was one of the biggest video game voice-over projects that BioWare or any studio had ever...

WildStar: Reloaded beta now open to all

There's no longer a bouncer at the doors of WildStar's free-to-play beta test, as Carbine has removed the need for a key to access...

Chronicles of Elyria dev blog: Aging, offline leveling, and the business model

Announced earlier this year, Chronicles of Elyria is a startup sandbox in a sea of such sandboxes, but some of its features are rare even...

WildStar plans quality-of-life improvements, midnight relaunch

WildStar's massive free-to-play transition and patch is less than a week away, which means that Carbine is getting to the end of its revelations. Today...

The Daily Grind: What details do you want to know about World of Warcraft: Legion?

World of Warcraft's newest expansion will undoubtedly be a major topic of conversation at November's BlizzCon. While Blizzard has unveiled the larger brush strokes...

Global Chat: The death of hope for Pathfinder Online

Pathfinder Online might not be completely dead, but hope for it has certainly gone down the drain following the announcement of the studio's mass...
Explode everywhere.

WildStar shuts down the auction house before the free-to-play switch

WildStar will be free-to-play in a hot minute, and that means that certain things have to change, like several of the auction house mechanics....
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: The state of Final Fantasy XIV’s ranged DPS

Honestly, ranged damage is a field that's never quite appealed to me as much as other options for doing stuff. Not just in Final...

Camelot Unchained adds new team members and injury system

It's been a big week for the folks over at Camelot Unchained, as Mark Jacobs announced that the game has added two new members...

EVE Evolved: New roles for capital ships

In the past two editions of EVE Evolved, I looked at the Aegis sovereignty warfare overhaul and how it played out in a recent...

Talking to Cryptic about Neverwinter’s new Stronghold PvP

We're on the horn with Cryptic Lead Designer Scott Shicoff and Senior Content Designer John Hopler to talk about Neverwinter's brand-new Stronghold siege PvP...

The MOP Up: All news must go!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

One Shots: Welcome to the party, pal!

"You have to love randomly running across a band when you enter a building in Bree," reader Yrys said in conjunction with this picture...

The Game Archaeologist: Anarchy Online

"The future in your hands." This was Funcom's promise to gamers in the early days of the 2000s. Even as the MMORPG genre slowly took...

Heroes of the Storm championships are live this weekend, with more championships coming at BlizzCon

Which team in the North American region is best at playing Heroes of the Storm? You can find out this weekend with the American...

Is WildStar’s cash shop pay-to-win?

Is WildStar going to be pay-to-win when the free-to-play patch hits on September 29th? That's the topic du jour of a video that looks...
Gosh am I glad that the dang frog is still around, too.

Final Fantasy XIV is creating its first European data center

Final Fantasy XIV is not a game with action combat, but you can still be pretty thoroughly screwed whilst trying to play the game...

EVE Online reintroduces large-scale expansions

Earlier this week, EVE Online Executive Producer Andie "CCPSeagull" Nordgren announced that the game will be returning to large-scale expansions in addition to frequent patches. What can...
This went to a bad place.

WildStar previews a new single-player instance, Alpha Sanctum

The Eldan of WildStar weren't content to rest upon their collective laurels; they wanted to do more.  The story of what happened after they...