
Choose My Adventure: Torchlight Heroes

Our March sampler-platter edition of Choose My Adventure is quickly coming to a close. There's only one more vote to take, one more game...

City of Heroes dev answers more lore questions for game’s anniversary

City of Heroes is dead; long live City of Heroes! The superhero MMO would have been 11 years old next month but for an...

The Stream Team: Sharing the story in Marvel Heroes

MassivelyOP's MJ is already decisionally impaired, and nothing emphasizes that as much as trying to choose whom to play in Marvel Heroes! There are...

Douglas Firs cripple City of Titans’ framerate

File this under "amusing development moments:" The City of Titans team was struggling with low framerate performance for its pre-alpha test map, and only...
Now rather finite.

Infinite Crisis’ creative director on making an approachable MOBA

Lorehound interviewed Infinite Crisis creative director Cardell Kerr at last week's PAX East. Kerr offers a bit of insight into Turbine's decision to redesign...
If you're not following @TruceSMV, you're missing context for this! Also you're making me sad because I have things there and I want you to love me.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite game to decompress with?

Moving is absolutely awful, as we all know, and I would be very happy to never move ever again. Once my computer was all...

The Daily Grind: How important are different body types in MMO character creation?

I know it's a pain for the art team to have to figure out how to get gear and weapons to fit different shapes,...

Choose My Adventure: Path of Marvel

In last week's Choose My Adventure, we learned a few magic spells and set off to conquer a tiny portion of Diablo III's hellish...

Cryptic layoffs alone totaled 18 people

Massively OP has been contacted by a Cryptic employee -- who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed -- about the Perfect...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...

Get lucky loot with Marvel Heroes’ St. Patrick’s events

Every week is a new event in Marvel Heroes, and right now it's a week-long St. Patrick's Day party! Not only can players collect...

DCUO’s Andersen, Scott demo new munitions power

Want a 60-second preview of DC Universe Online's latest power set? Daybreak has it in the form of a new teaser video. Munitions feature...

The Stream Team: MOBA Madness in SMITE and Infinite Crisis

It started as a one-off thing, but MassivelyOP's Mike Foster just can't stop the MOBA Madness. This week the stream's going into all-new territory,...

PAX East 2015: Overwatch aims for fall beta, introduces two new characters

Blizzard is breaking out the big guns for Overwatch -- in more than one sense of that term. The studio announced at PAX East...

Valiance Online seeks developers

Want a job? Silver Helm Studios has posted a notice today declaring that it's looking for remote developers on its City of Heroes-influenced indie superhero MMORPG...

The Daily Grind: Do you get MMO event fatigue?

Based on how many awards it won last year and how many Massively OP writers and guildies have been sucked into it, I know...

City of Titans shows old test environment before scrapping it

New games don't spring into being overnight; they take lots of work and incremental steps to a finished product. That goes double for a...

Marvel Heroes to start selling limited edition costumes

One of Marvel Heroes' big money makers is the game's sale of iconic costumes for player heroes. In addition to creating and selling normal...

Marvel Heroes adds Arachne team-up, starts Mardi Gras

It does seem as though any popular superhero will inevitably drum up a bunch of me-too imitators, from Batgirl to Wonder Dude (who totally...

Run, Valiance Online, run!

There's always a world of difference between viewing MMO screenshots and videos. Sometimes you just have to see a game in action to get...