
See: The Daily Grind


The Daily Grind: Should video game developers unionize?

The New York Times ran an op-ed from Kotaku editor Jason Schreier last week outlining the perils of game industry "crunch": 80-to-100-hour weeks, often...

The Daily Grind: How can individual MMO players combat toxicity?

MOP reader Tyler sent us a tip over the weekend that keeps bothering me. According to a post made on Facebook this weekend, a...
hold me

The Daily Grind: How long does it take you to get attached to an MMO?

As the current author of our Choose My Adventure column, I was going to open this off by saying that a month isn't really...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO delivers players the best ‘tricks?’

"Trick or treat!" Kids say this over and over every October 31st, but let's be honest: They're only looking for the treats. If an adult...

Massively Overthinking: The state of early access, alpha, and beta ‘testing’ in the MMO genre

I remember years ago when then-Massively-columnist Rubi Bayer let loose with a blistering rant on the state of faux beta MMOs. She helmed Betawatch...

The Daily Grind: Are you an MMORPG gamer playing Destiny 2?

Pretty much the entire time between when Destiny 1 was announced and the day Destiny 2 was confirmed for PC, every single article we...
This is really World of Warcraft's fault, but I have to be comprehensive here.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs would be better off without crafting altogether?

I've opined before that the best way to deal with World of Warcraft's current crafting system is to scrap the whole thing and start...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

The Daily Grind: Which MMO gives you the best freedom of movement?

As part of my annual fall return to World of Warcraft, I've taken back up with my Druid and am loving it for an...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite and least favorite type of MMO daily?

Over the weekend, Guild Wars 2 players on Reddit opened up a discussion about dailies in the game that spoke to me. I used to...

The Daily Grind: How many of you are still playing Guild Wars 2?

As I type this, Guild Wars 2's Path of Fire expansion has been out exactly a month. At the time, I remember making fun...
don't make

The Daily Grind: What one character option would you remove from your favorite MMO?

Good news, MMO fans! You're getting to redesign your favorite MMO's entire combat system. The bad news is that you're doing so by removing...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO rules at Halloween events?

I'm almost never happier in MMORPGs than when October rolls around. There's so much moodiness and festivities revolving around Halloween, thanks to developers' undying...
Stylish and functional.

The Daily Grind: How can MMOs help you understand endgame gearing?

One of my simmering frustrations about practically every MMORPG that I play is that when my character starts to get to high levels, I...
Looks like home.

The Daily Grind: Have you done socially unacceptable things in MMOs?

There are two sorts of cheating in MMOs. One of them, which is outright hacking the game, is capital-b Bad. Back in the days...

The Daily Grind: Do you think EA is pivoting into a Star Wars pseudo-MMO?

Yesterday's surprise revelation that EA was canning Visceral Games and "pivoting" the design of its in-progress Star Wars linear adventure RPG clearly struck a...

The Daily Grind: Is PUBG finally the ‘WoW killer killer’ we’ve been waiting for?

Say the words "WoW killer" to a bunch of MMORPG players in 2017 and you're bound to get eyerolls, for good reason: Even though...

The Daily Grind: How should studios solve the gaming-while-rural problem?

If you've ever read any of MOP's Andrew's coverage of Pokemon Go, you've probably noticed a recurring theme: One of his biggest pet peeves...
You didn't say no punch.

The Daily Grind: Are you a completionist in MMOs?

As I level up my many jobs on my main in Final Fantasy XIV, I feel compelled to take on all of the sidequests...

The Daily Grind: What is the best MMO dragon of all time?

Let's throw down today and have an all-out brawl in the comments, shall we? That should keep Bree busy for a few hours at...

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of ‘automatic helping behaviors’ in MMORPGs?

We've been complaining about lockboxes a lot lately as an unwelcome psychological trick in gaming, so this morning, I wanted to talk about a...