the division resurgence

Slow walk onto the stage, and...

Ubisoft’s mobile Division Resurgence delays its next beta phase for ‘refinement’

Those looking to get their hands on the next chapter of The Division franchise are going to need to exercise a bit of strategic...

The Division Resurgence confirms gameplay mechanics, June 13 regional beta, and fall release window

A big info drop for mobile multiplayer looter shooter The Division Resurgence has landed on our heads this week, providing a whole slew of...

The Division preps summer testing for Resurgence, readies a PC test for Heartland, outlines Year 5 for The Division 2

In case that headline didn't clue you in, earlier this week was Ubisoft's "Division Day," a showcase of updates and news surrounding the three...

Ubisoft Forward heralds new content for The Division 2, Skull and Bones, The Crew 2, and Riders Republic

This past weekend saw Ubisoft hold its studio-specific Ubisoft Forward showcase, and it had plenty of things to present to gamers, particularly titles within...
Slow walk onto the stage, and...

The Division Resurgence is announced as a new title for mobile platforms

Want to be able to have all of the city-reclaiming goon-shooting fun of The Division with you on the road? Ubisoft is ready to...