the secret world

Official Site: The Secret World
Studio: Funcom
Launch Date: July 3, 2012
Genre: Modern Horror Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid B2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
See also: Secret World Legends

Chaos Theory: Speculating on The Secret World’s relaunch

Well, it wasn't the news I was hoping for, but I'll still take it! This week we learned about Funcom's plan to relaunch the...

The Secret World kicks off another Golden Week

While Secret Worlders wait anxiously to see what Funcom has in store for the game's recently announced relaunch, the studio is attempting to distract...

Battle Bards Episode 93: It’s a madhouse!

It’s taken this long, but the Battle Bards have gone completely and irreversibly insane in the membrane! Today the team cracks open the door...
Could be going better.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 106: Ready to relaunch

Justin and Bree discuss The Secret World's relaunch, Landmark's sunset, ESO: Morrowind, Albion Online, Guild Wars 2, Ship of Heroes, and Champions Online, with a mailbag questions on ESO and multiplayer immersion.

Funcom is ‘relaunching’ The Secret World in 2017, but it’s maintenance mode for Anarchy Online and Age of Conan

Funcom's fourth quarter 2016 financial report for investors landed this afternoon, and it's a doozy, especially for MMORPG players. Of most interest is the...

One Shots: There’s nothing wrong with being childish

An interesting bit of fallout from last week's One Shots challenge to submit a picture that captures a "childlike" spirit is that several commenters...

The Stream Team: The Secret World’s Emergency Procedures

Are you prepared? If you are Orochi, the answer is probably not. The organization was apparently studying the The Secret World's Filth, and you...
Hello again.

Massively Overthinking: Is the MMORPG genre taking a much-needed breather?

Massively OP donor and commenter Tibi sent this epic question to our podcast and kindly allowed me to share it here instead for maximum...

The Stream Team: Skating through The Secret World’s new challenge

If there is one thing Massively OP's MJ has wanted in The Secret World, it's roller skates. Well, that and a penguin onesie. And...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World predictions 2016 vs 2017

It's no secret that The Secret World had a rough year in 2016. I just really wish I could say differently. And it's especially...

Love and skates: The Secret World offers Valentine goodies and new challenge

Love is in the air! And according to The Secret World, it's more of a plague. But players may actually be interested in catching...
Oh, thanks.

Massively Overthinking: Unholy MMORPG hybrids

Massively OP reader and frequent tipster Gibbins wants us to play match-maker. "I love the wonderful world that Bethesda created with the Fallout franchise, not...

One Shots: A purrrfect sunset

What makes a good sunset even better? When you get to curl up with your favorite pet and share a Hallmark moment together. UpayaCrow kicks...

Massively Overthinking: Death and dying in MMORPGs

In March of last year, MOP's Justin wrote a detailed guide to the most common death penalties in MMORPGs. Last September, Gamasutra pulled seven...

The Daily Grind: Is there MMO content you dread repeating on alts?

As a habitual and lifelong altoholic, I am quite used to walking a new generation of characters in the footsteps of their forefathers and foremothers....

Chaos Theory: My Secret World 2017 goals

When the year-end Massively Overthinking asked about game resolutions, I honestly answered that I don't really make any because I hadn't ever done that...
My life is not fun.

Perfect Ten: The MMOs with the most unclear futures in 2017

A little while back, I took a look at the healthiest games in the MMO space at this time. That was a nice, uplifting...

Global Chat: Elder Scrolls Online renaissance

As I peruse a hundred or so community blog posts every day, it's fascinating to me to see what games the MMO blogosphere as...

The Daily Grind: Are contemporary settings underutilized in MMOs?

We all know that fantasy is by far the most popular setting for MMORPGs -- but what is the least? While not completely unrepresented...
There was something beautiful and wonderful and it destroyed itself.

Massively Overthinking: Tab-target vs. action combat in MMORPGs

Massively OP patron Duane is kicking the new year off right: with a brawl over combat types in MMOs. "Tab-target, action, or hybrid combat, for...