the secret world

Official Site: The Secret World
Studio: Funcom
Launch Date: July 3, 2012
Genre: Modern Horror Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Hybrid B2P (Optional Sub, Cash Shop)
Platform: PC
See also: Secret World Legends

Obituary: Prominent Secret World Legends community leader HolloPoint

I'm sorry to report some devastating news out of the Secret World Legends community today: Prominent community member Mark "HolloPoint" Innes has apparently passed...

The Game Archaeologist: Anarchy Online, from development to beta

We all have stories of our very first MMORPG experiences, and the one that I often share is that my initial dip into this...
It could be fantastic, at least.

Secret World fan author Blodwedd Mallory releases the sixth book of her series today

We've been following the writing journey of fan author Amber “Blodwedd Mallory” McKee for a long time now. Readers will recall she was greenlit...

Secret World Legends’ community organizes fourth anniversary events

With Funcom seemingly doing the absolute bare minimum to keep the lights on over at Secret World Legends, it's a sad commentary on the...
she's a killah

MOP’s quick and dirty guide to finding the perfect MMORPG for your tastes

Probably one of the most commonly asked questions both here on Massively OP and in various MMORPG discussions everywhere else too is simply, "What...

One Shots: Cave rave!

Where do you go when you want to relax in an MMO with friends, a strong drink, and some good atmosphere? This changes depending...

MMO Business Roundup: Chicken Drumstick, 9000 zombies, Valorant Mobile, Pantheon hiring, Secret World’s novels

Welcome back to our semi-regular roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent gaming industry news. Chicken Drumstick: Yes, I'm afraid this is a real thing. Vice's Motherboard...
Here we are at Princess Tower.

The Daily Grind: What’s your pie-in-the-sky wish list for MMO features?

A tab-targeting combat system for Elder Scrolls Online. Real player housing for World of Warcraft. Text chat and guilds for Fallout 76. A simplified...

Massively Overthinking: How important is gear in your core MMO?

This week's Overthinking comes to us courtesy of a rant on the MMORPG subreddit, which... well don't judge it by the title, OK? Author...

Four Winds: Final thoughts on Elyon’s first closed beta test

Elyon's closed beta test came and went, and boy am I happy with what I played. It was unfortunate that the test fell on...

The Soapbox: If you want innovation in MMOs, stop worshiping polish

Gamers often lament that the world of MMORPGs lacks innovation. It's a frustration I share; this a genre that could be much more than...

Massively Overthinking: The terrible hot-mess MMOs we have fun in anyway

Every time we cover Hellgate London - and let's be honest, it's a lot since the game comes back from the dead at least...

Not So Massively: Magic Legends is messy, deep, and more of an MMO than you think

I can't remember the last time I struggled so much deciding whether I like a game or not. I'm a fan of ARPGs, and...

One Shots: Dearly beloved

If you gotta get married in an MMORPG and don't want to spare any expense, Final Fantasy XIV has the most luxurious and extravagant...

One Shots: Past your curfew

One lesser-known fact about the life of adventurers is that they all have to submit to a daily curfew. By the time the sun's...

Massively Overthinking: Are MMO social hubs overrated?

MMO reader Random recently winged us an article from Kotaku arguing for the abolishment of pointless social hubs in video games. "Here’s a radical...

Massively Overthinking: ‘Dead games’ in the MMO space

I had a laugh a while back when I spied this tweet in my feeds from a Bungie CM who was suggesting people mute...

Global Chat: Does permadeath mode in MMOs have merit?

Whenever you're stuck for an MMO topic to talk about on a blog, you can never go wrong with chewing on the concept of...

Valentine’s Day begins in Star Citizen, SWG Legends, DAOC, and more

OK, MMOs, we get it, you have chocolate and pink stuff and hearts. This is the last one of these roundups I'm doing this...

Massively Overthinking: Do you need to be the hero in MMOs?

MMORPG developer Raph Koster recently tweeted that he'd had a "debate with some devs who asserted that videogames require the player to be the...