this is why we can’t have nice things

The real problem with this genre is the fact that humans play it. Here’s some of the worst stuff they’ve done.

Presidential hopeful Joe Biden calls out Silicon Valley game devs as ‘creeps’

It would appear that US presidential hopeful and former vice president Joe Biden has an unkind view of most Silicon Valley tech companies and...
Order from disorder.

The fun when some dude yoinks an airport map screen to play Apex Legends

Look, sometimes you just need to play video games real bad. The original story appears to be gone from the radio station's blog, but the...

Fortnite canonizes content creators with their own in-game skins

We guess it pays to shill as hard as you can for a game because you never know when the developers are going to...

China is cracking down on online games and streaming even more with ‘Healthy China 2030’

Even setting aside the Blitzchung fiasco that sent China's video game industry into the spotlight at the tail end of 2019, the western games...

World of Warcraft server blades that were sold for charity arrive to players with various signs of damage

In a rather unfortunate turn of philanthropic events, the World of Warcraft server blades that were being sold to support Pencils of Promise have...
Lady guns are so complicated

Escape from Tarkov confirms no playable female characters because of ‘game lore’ and workload

Sorry, ladies, but it's just too ding-dong-dang difficult to put y'all in Escape from Tarkov. That's the cited reason why the game's developer, Battlestate Games,...

Star Citizen SOCS socks promise to revolutionize foot warming in the first quarter of 2020

You can wear your heart on your sleeve regarding Star Citizen, but everyone kind of expects that. What you really want to do is...

Hellion dev rejects YouTuber’s ‘dirty dev’ characterization despite selling abandoned game

Nobody wants to have their creative endeavors trashed and game developers certainly shouldn't be outright abused in a physical or mental sense. That said,...

Goodbye to all the reasons we can’t have nice things in MMOs, 2019 edition

A while back, we started collecting all our cozy, comforting, positive, happy stories under the "warm fuzzies" tag. This year, we turned it into...
Behold. Nothing.

Chronicles of Elyria postpones its unsold land sales with a date still to be determined

As you may recall, Chronicles of Elyria touted that it was running a big event recently with its "Settlers of Elyria" event, which came...
The scales of judgement weight heavy.

Final Fantasy XIV suspends a streamer for shaming another player live on his stream

One of the rules about playing Final Fantasy XIV is that players are to a limited extent liable for what they do and say outside...

Google and Epic Games are squabbling over Fortnite’s Android fees – again

Epic Games and Google are butting heads in what continues to be the technology version of a DragonBall Z fight with similar levels of...

Kickstarted survival sandbox Day of Dragons’ early access launch is bogged down by drama

Remember the tussle over in-dev MMO Oath a while back? A sub-contractor for the game accused the developer of screwing with 'em, it hit...

US Congressman uses campaign funds for Steam games, man allegedly uses PS4 to sell cocaine

I'm not one to provide a counterpoint to the delight that is Massively Uplifting, but there are also times when video gaming news gets...

EVE Online’s new HyperNet Relay reintroduces gambling to New Eden

Remember way back in 2016, when CCP Games outlawed gambling in EVE Online's universe after turning a blind eye for over a decade? In...

The Soapbox: Cross-play, console exclusivity, and why companies won’t play nice

Let me tell you something: As the columnist who writes about Final Fantasy XIV I am so damn tired of hearing about crossplay. Seriously. Just so...
Now my stats are good!

An MMO character ‘worth’ $1.4M was sold in China for $552

So here's a fun story of people being particularly... odd. Let's go with odd. Player A, hereafter referred to as "Scrooge McDuck," spends the...

Star Trek Online’s Mudd’s Market pricing ignites a community firestorm

It sounds like a good idea on paper: a new section of the cash shop in Star Trek Online that offers items that haven't...

Fallout 76 dataminer is banned from the game after reporting an exploit

No good deed goes unpunished for one Fallout 76 player who found a significant exploit regarding legendary weapons, reported it, and got summarily banned...

A prominent FIFA competitor blows the lid off of a match fixing scandal involving several pro gamers

Imagine if several major teams from any large-scale sport in America -- take your pick -- conspired together to make sure they didn't face...