
Mythros builds an MMO out of Minecraft

We've certainly been witnessing a rise of Minecraft-inspired MMOs over the past year, including Trove and SkySaga. Now there's an MMO that actually uses...

Otherland opens its early access doors today

Does Otherland hold potential to be an immersive MMO? Fans today will get to find out as the title opens up its early access testing...

DC Universe’s Episode 16 gets a quick trailer

Daybreak has released a short teaser for DC Universe Online's Episode 16 DLC. And when we say short, we do mean short, as the clip...

Order & Chaos 2 is launching next week

Need a hearty mobile World of Warcraft fix? The best substitute for a while now has been Gameloft's Order and Chaos Online, which, while...
The update's big, yeah yeah yeah.

Neverwinter: Elemental Evil goes live on Xbox One

If you've been playing Neverwinter on the Xbox One, you've had to deal with a bit of update lag. There's no way around it,...

Bungie loses lawsuit to ex-Destiny composer

Ex-Destiny composer Martin O'Donnell has prevailed in a lengthy legal battle with developer Bungie. The company must restore O'Donnell's stock holdings and pay what...

Anime MMO Onigiri coming to Xbox One and PlayStation 4 ‘soon’

The anime-saturated Onigiri is about to make the leap from Japan to the west on consoles as a free-to-play MMO. What we have here is an...

The MOP Up: Blizzard belongs in a museum!

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Destiny is hosting a Crucible preview event next week

Destiny's 2.0 update is heading our way next week on September 8th, and Bungie is busy getting players ready for the major changes to...

SkySaga’s latest alpha patch adds playable monkeys and a dinosaur zone

Alpha 5 for SkySaga has landed -- and the monkeys have hit the fan. Playable monkey characters are only the surface for this massive game...

Skyforge dares you to enter its hostile territories

Group content in MMOs doesn't always have to mean "dungeon crawls" and "raids." For example, Skyforge has its hostile territories, challenging world zones that require...

Elite: Dangerous welcomes pilots to close quarters combat

Players have a new way to experience Elite: Dangerous with the advent of the close quarters combat (CQC) mode. The beta test for the...

Wild Terra delivers an isometric sandbox medieval world

Looking for an up-and-coming sandbox that isn't some weird jumble of voxels? Wild Terra would respectfully submit that you check out its isometric medieval...
Take it.

Destiny offers up The Taken King’s gameplay trailer

By this point most Destiny fans have a pretty good idea of the foundation beneath The Taken King's story. In short, you killed someone, and...
Yeah, this is the time it'll all come together, for sure.

Mortal Online has landed on Steam

Do you enjoy the concept of Mortal Online but have a long-standing vow to not play any MMOs you cannot purchase and play natively...

Russian site leaks 40 seconds of the Warcraft movie trailer

World of Warcraft fans continue to eagerly await the release of the Warcraft movie trailer in a couple of months. If they -- or...

The MOP Up: Another stab at Game of Thrones

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we're deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

PAX Prime 2015: Trion tries turn-based strategy with Atlas Reactor

Trion, the creator of Trove and RIFT, has turned its attention to the online PvP market with its new game Atlas Rector. At its core, Atlas...

Bless gets an English trailer and a final KCBT date

If you want Bless news, this is your post. If you want a western release date, though, we can't help you. At least for...
On the other coast, even.

PAX Prime 2015: Sword Coast Legends unveils new trailer and screenshots

Even if you normally avoid the Wizards of the Coast booth at PAX Prime because you're not there for tabletop games, you'll want to...