
Iconic or no, I just don't care.

Final Fantasy XIV fans mine out more Stormblood details from Japanese interviews

If you're a Final Fantasy XIV fan, you're used to getting bits and pieces of information based on what has or hasn't been translated...
Get woke.

Black Desert considers second Awakenings, console port; releases Dark Knight trailer

What does the future hold for Black Desert? The present holds the game releasing in Taiwan, but the future is a bit more up...
Count the headlights on the highway.

Check out a translated interview on TERA’s upcoming Lunar Dancer

Another new class is coming to TERA's Korean version, as we learned yesterday. We even got the barest version of information about that new...
Day, night, whatever.

Analyst: China should port MMOs westward (carefully!) as mobile competition stiffens

China is the biggest game market in the world. So why the heck do so many games exported from there to here seem to flop? That's the...
Well, I'm mollified.

Peria Chronicles is still in development after a lengthy silence

All right. Peria Chronicles. If you don't remember what the heck this game is, we don't blame you. The game showed off an astonishing...

Monster Hunter Online’s English translation arrives

After a short delay from its original intended release, Monster Hunter Online has finally brought an English translation of the game to market. English-speaking players...

Desert Nomad: Quality of life in the Black Desert

Hello friends, and welcome back to Desert Nomad. After last week’s in-depth look at Black Desert’s cash shop, I decided that this week I would...
Yeah, it's never happening.

The Daily Grind: Do long localization delays make you less likely to play an MMO?

Having written about it recently, I found myself thinking that it might not even matter if Phantasy Star Online 2 even comes out in...