

Pokemon Go: Appraisal patch, stampedes, and fixing that UI

Pokemon Go's latest patch finally makes the team leaders do something. "Implemented Pokémon Appraisal: Trainers will now be able to learn about a Pokémon’s attack...

Worlds Adrift kicks off alpha signups with new trailer

Worlds Adrift has just announced that it's opening alpha signups. "We’re really pleased to announce that we’re now recruiting LOTS of people for the next...

‘Micro-MOBA’ One Tower is coming next month

Looking for a MOBA that trims the fat and excess company, leaving just you and one other player to battle it out with minions...

NCsoft previews Aion 5.1 for EU with new instances and battlefields

If you're thinking, hey, didn't Aion just put out a patch like 10 days ago, then congratulate your memory on retaining that information. Indeed,...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best inventory system?

Video game packrats, obsessive compulsives, and that one guildie of mine whose MMO inventory literally has everything he's ever looted: Today's Daily Grind is...

Global Chat: Deaf gamers and MMO captioning

What is it like to play MMORPGs if you're deaf? Just ask Stars of the Spiral's Kelsey, who talks of her condition and why...

Ultima Online’s latest patch heralds Eodon event, 19th birthday gifts

"Publish 94 is out the door," wrote Ultima Online Producer Bonnie "Mesanna" Armstrong in a newsletter earlier this week. Broadsword has added fresh anniversary...
This is all good.

EU Aion 5.0 offers more character customization at beginning and end game

Aion 5.0 Lost Memories not only brings new instances, new regions, and new quests to the EU but also introduces a new Creation Power...

Fragmented’s latest live build should make crafters happy

Fragmented's latest patch is a big one for player crafters as it adds batch crafting to the crafting stations in the game. The better...

Wizard101 starts selling instant level 50 boosts, adds a Make-a-Wish character

Like it or hate it, the trend of instantly boosting new characters to high levels in older MMOs is spreading across the genre. The...

Gloria Victis unleashes a trio of pre-alpha patches

Early game development is often marked by frequent patching as the team feverishly works to shape and mold the title. Gloria Victis is definitely...

Darkfall: Rise of Agon closed beta opens up on Friday

If you're still sad about Darkfall: Unholy Wars' abrupt maintenance mode or Darkfall: New Dawn's public indev soft-launch didn't do it for you, Darkfall: Rise of...

SWTOR wants to make your lockbox experience better

How do you feel about opening lockboxes? Is there anything MMO devs can do to make you feel less like you just emptied your wallet...
The fun of getting lost, being upset, and getting annoyed.

Chronicles of Elyria on expanding team, creature models, and backer-only videos

This week's Chronicles of Elyria update features the Ursaphant mount, which is exactly what is sounds like: an adorable elephant bear thing. Soulbound Studios says...

Albion Online kicks off final beta, plus highlights from the AMA

Albion Online's final beta phase kicks off today, with a reported $7 million under its belt in crowdfunds. Over the weekend, the team ran...

A video guide to Trove’s refined gem system

Trove's Mantle of Power expansion launched last April, and players weren't exactly thrilled about the new gem system. Since then, devs have been listening...

Albion Online reveals color-coded swamp biome, teases new UI

Albion Online has a couple of teasers and deep-dives out this week. First up is a look at the newly installed swamp biome. "Biomes...
Awesome. Very impressive. Great use of IP.

Ghost in the Shell: First Assault is now in open beta

Online shooter Ghost in the Shell: First Assault: Stand Alone Complex Online is going to take home this year's award for most unwieldy title...

Fragmented’s latest patch centers on player housing, drops price to $9.99

Above & Beyond Technologies patched Fragmented with its 16.7.2 build today with a focus on housing and player-constructed bases, complete with a new UI...
Always the same.

Diablo III’s next patch improves screenshots, items, and challenges

Chewing your way through hordes of demons in Diablo III is going to get a little bit harder in the game's next patch. Not...