
The Crew publishes ‘Raid Live’ update video

Ubisoft has announced that a new update and new car DLC for its racing game The Crew are now live. The Raid Car Pack, "the...
Also known as a puppyhouse.

Bungie reveals the Reef and more for Destiny’s House of Wolves

House of Wolves is the next big update for Destiny, and the team at Bungie is ready to start revealing what it's all about....
If you read this like, it sounds kind of like he's monitoring some new youth trend.

Neverwinter’s new lead designer takes a ‘hard look’ at Elemental Evil

Neverwinter's Elemental Evil update had some issues that extend beyond some ill-distributed reward codes. A letter to the community from new lead designer Scott...
Star Conflict

Star Conflict gets a Season 2: Dreadnoughts trailer

Star Conflict got a new trailer today, and that's because the game's 1.1.3 update is a biggun. Corporations can fight to control global map locations,...
Watch us sit down and program!

Jacobs elaborates on spirit pets in Camelot Unchained

Camelot Unchained's Mark Jacobs has posted a Thursday afternoon update that's basically required reading if you're a fan of the fantasy RvR title. He...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s dungeons

It's no secret that EverQuest II has a plethora of quests. The moniker surely fits: There are so many quests that it's impossible to...
The jokes write themselves some days.

Age of Conan developers working on panoramas and achievements

What is best in life? Crush your enemies. See them driven before you. Stop mid-crush and realize that you're in a really pretty area....
It'd make a cool Transformer, but I think that about lots of stuff.

The Powerplay update will change how you play Elite: Dangerous

The next big update for Elite: Dangerous centers around the Powerplay system, and it's enough to change the way you see the game world....
Rated a really good decision in an internal poll.

EverQuest II explains Rum Cellar pricing

Are you ready to head down into a cellar, get some rum, and become the lord or lady of rum in EverQuest II? Because...
World of Warplanes

World of Warplanes is nixing three-player flights

Wargaming is doing away with three-player premades in its World of Warplanes aerial battler. The firm's latest dev blog says that three-player flights have an...
Meridian 59

Meridian 59 getting new updates from the open source community

Where will your favorite MMO be in two decades? If it's Meridian 59, it may be still operating. The title, which originally launched in September...
When will the loot drop

Lineage II: Infinite Odyssey is live today

The latest update to Lineage II is pushing beyond all of the its various limitations. Tired of the level cap? It's gone. No, not...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Hands-on with Guild Wars 2’s Stronghold PvP

The PvP team at ArenaNet is steadily gearing up for the release of the Heart of Thorns expansion, with the PvP-inclined among the Guild Wars...

Global Chat: Are WoW Tokens worth it?

The debut of World of Warcraft Tokens into the game's economy has caused quite a stir, particularly after the prices plunged during the first...
I don't know either, guy, just go with it.

Wizard101 patches in jewel socketing

Bad news, Wizard101 players. It looks as if your gear has insufficient swag. It looks downright pedestrian. A homeless wizard could be wearing your...
If at first you don't succeed, alter the timeline.

Star Trek Online’s Iconian War begins today

For the past five years of operation, Star Trek Online has built up to the conflict with the Iconians. Now it's time for the...
Red sky at night, everything's boned.

Take a peek at the new areas and instances of Lord of the Rings Online’s Update 16

The next big update to Lord of the Rings Online brings players ever closer to Mordor, which anyone with passing familiarity with the story...
I did a thing, now give me my stat boost.

Landmark shows off its upcoming achievement-based progression

The next big update to Landmark will bring a major update to progression, and that means a major update to how the game's achievements...
Ominous? Does that have the same root?

EverQuest test server accidentally discounts cash shop items to pennies

Let's try to walk through this particular sequence of events; it isn't pretty. EverQuest puts a new patch update on the test servers with...
And we may not pass this way again.

Pathfinder adds holdings and outposts

Goblinworks rolled version seven of Pathfinder Online's early enrollment out to backers last week. The update adds holdings and outposts, though CEO Ryan Dancey says that they...