
The MOP Up: Players choose Lineage II classic server name (December 6, 2015)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Space Engineers’ lead dev details the planetary construction process

Have you tried Space Engineers since it added its ginormous planetary update? If not, you might want to watch the video dev blog that...

Leaderboard: What will you be doing most often in Star Citizen?

I just saw Star Citizen's new trailer yesterday, and needless to say I was pretty blown away. Alpha 2.0 is looking good - so...

H1Z1’s booby traps look fairly painful

Have you ever trapped an actual booby? It seems like that would be pretty difficult. I won't get into the hows and whys and...

Chaos Theory: The Secret World’s Issue #13 Trail of Shadows reveal

Following in the reveal footsteps of the second half of Issue #12, the details of The Secret World's Issue #13 Trail of Shadows came by...
That's cool.

Paladins adds deserter system and Evie, the Winter Witch

Hi-Rez Studios has released as new a video that details Paladins' 0.8 update. Lead designer Rory Newborough says it's a big patch that makes...

WoW Factor: Legion testing is an exercise in absurd decisions

One of my favorite bits from The Office is when Michael is having his budget explained to him. You don't need to know the...

The Stream Team: Stepping into Space Engineers

It has been a long, long time since MassivelyOP's MJ has ventured into Space Engineers. It wasn't that she didn't like the game (she...

Ever, Jane touts new beginner experience

Ever, Jane is anticipating being a gateway for people who have never played video games or MMOs before, which is why the team has...

Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO hipster

I say this with nothing but love in my heart: Some of you guys are serious MMO hipsters. Heck, some of you guys were...

Grab a Warframe: The Second Dream booster key from Digital Extremes and Massively OP

Warframe's The Second Dream update has launched, complete with a new cinematic quest, new PvP map, new endgame-oriented sortie missions, and a new Warframe, Ivara....

Elder Scrolls Online is giving away a million bucks

Who ever told you that playing video games would never pay off? If you happen to win Elder Scrolls Online's new giveaway, you can...

Star Citizen shows off ship combat, FPS, and EVA in new trailer

Did you see the new Star Citizen trailer yet? It debuted last night at The Game Awards in Los Angeles, after an introduction by...

The Stream Team: Trekking through The Secret World’s Transylvania

MassivelyOP's MJ has always liked vampires, and that makes The Secret World's Transylvania zones all the more fun for her to explore! Besides the...

516 characters died during Worlds Adrift’s first alpha test

Back in November, Worlds Adrift ran its first alpha playtest with just 153 participants, and today's it's released a video-infographic summarizing the more interesting...

Path of Exile demos multi-pet deployment

The other day I saw a blogger ask why MMOs don't often let you have more than one pet out at a time, combat...

Get to know WildStar’s Deadeye Brightland and Mondo Zax a little better

If only school was as entertaining as MMOs, all students would come out as geniuses. Well, for those looking to expand their knowledge about...

Check out World of Warcraft’s upcoming class halls

One of the major new features of next year's World of Warcraft: Legion is the class hall system. As the name suggests, class halls...

College students whip up Adventure Guild, a mobile turn-based MMO

Who says that you have to be graduated to be a force for gaming good? A team of college students at Rochester Institute of...

Monster Hunter Online’s Chinese OBT will be open to all

You might recall with some sadness that Monster Hunter Online is a Chinese exclusive. And while that still holds true, the good news for...