virtual world

Global Chat: Why is LOTRO charging for its fall update?

Roger over at Contains Moderate Peril recently ducked into the upcoming DLC for Lord of the Rings Online to see what it contained and...

Not So Massively: The dos and don’ts of stealing from single-player games

In my last Not So Massively column, I looked at the right and wrong ways for other genres to steal from MMOs. But in...

Not So Massively: The dos and don’ts of stealing from MMOs

Recently I played through the new PC port of the open world RPG Horizon Zero Dawn. While playing it, I was struck by how...
My name is might have been.

Raph Koster argues MMOs are much more than ‘a series of kill and fetch quest pellets’

As many of us know, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning will be the only leavings we may ever see of 38 Studios' ambitious MMO Project...

The Game Archaeologist: Mirrorworld

In this column, we have previously journeyed to lands where you saw not with your eyes, but with your imagination. I speak, of course,...
The first one was enough.

Second Life bans all in-game advertisements that are ‘political in nature’

Launching into political rants in global chat or hijacking the guild discussion to make everyone uncomfortable with views on election candidates is seen as...
TI Header (Festivals)

Tamriel Infinium: Six more things to love about The Elder Scrolls Online

When I think back to my earliest days of gaming, sitting in front of a tiny TV set with the non-ergonomic 80s beauty of...

Second Life developer Linden Lab has been acquired by an investment group

Fun trivia fact: The AOL blog that eventually became Massively actually started life as a Second Life blog back when Second Life was huge....

Noah’s Heart is a mobile MMORPG of airships and procedurally generated open worlds

Archosaur Games, the studio behind MMOs like Jade Dynasty, Swordsman Online, and Dragon Raja, are about to enter the mobile MMORPG gaming ring once...

Raph Koster shares rare behind-the-scenes Star Wars Galaxies pics in honor of the anniversary

He might be busy creating a brand-new virtual world, but legendary game designer Raph Koster always has time to chat about his beloved Star...

The Game Archaeologist: The virtual worlds of the 1990s

With the increased speeds of modems and the move into 3-D space in the 1990s, some game designers thought it was a logical conclusion...

Not So Massively: I like survival mechanics, not survival games

When I played We Happy Few, one of the things that surprised me the most was how much I enjoyed the survival mechanics. I...

Elder Scrolls Online’s Matt Firor addresses Greymoor launch issues

Elder Scrolls Online game director Matt Firor has posted a lengthy and detailed explanation of some of the rough spots encountered during last week's...

Darklands creator Arnold Hendrick passes away at age 69 due to cancer

Game dev lost another of its luminaries recently with the news that Arnold Hendrick has passed away at age 69, succumbing to terminal cancer...

The MOP Up: Second Life’s super expensive brothel

It's not every week that my editor marches up to me and demands that I cover virtual brothels as headlining stories, but this did...

MMO Burnout: We Happy Few is a single-player virtual world

After having it on my radar for many years, I've finally gotten around to playing indie stealth/survival game We Happy Few. It's a good...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about offline play in MMORPGs?

I spend a... lot of time in Star Wars Galaxies on the SWG Legends rogue server. I poke fun at myself for this, but...

The Game Archaeologist: McDonalds’ McWorld MMO is a thing that existed

If you thought that it was strange for MTV to create its own virtual world, then you probably are forgetting how desperate companies always...

The Game Archaeologist: The history of play-by-email games

For most all of human history, people who wanted to play a game together usually had to be in physical proximity with each other....
Massively Minecraft

The Minecraft community’s insane project to build the Earth in 1:1 scale

The Minecraft community is well-known for attempting huge feats of architecture and construction, but a new project might just take the cake. Late last...