Yesterday's post on Richard Bartle's new unplayer matrix got me thinking once again about my quibbles with the original Bartle quotient, which won't surprise...
Massively OP reader and Patron Avaera has a thoughtful question for the team and readers this week. "I wish more virtual world games thought deeply...
The muddy waters of emulators and the contentious conversation around World of Warcraft legacy servers is getting a whole lot more crazy this summer, thanks...
It's hard to deny that one of Final Fantasy XIV's newest classes marries style and substance, particularly if you're into a certain swashbuckling aesthetic.
Massively OP Patron Jackybah has a question for this week's Massively Overthinking that's probably going to kick up some dust. He wonders whether MMO...
If you were worried that Mark Kern's Em-8ER (properly pronounced "eem-eight-er" for those willing to die upon snarky hills) wouldn't fund on its latest...