

World of Warcraft
Warcraft series, a series of video games that began in 1994

The Daily Grind: What kind of MMO achiever are you?

Yesterday's post on Richard Bartle's new unplayer matrix got me thinking once again about my quibbles with the original Bartle quotient, which won't surprise...
Demons are forever in style now.

World of Warcraft looks to be importing Diablo III’s solo rifts

As a studio, Blizzard certainly isn't against liberally "borrowing" others good ideas and making them its own, so it stands to reason that the...

Get spoiled with a trip to World of Warcraft’s Argus

The excitement is real and the threat is strong: World of Warcraft players are spearheading a counter-invasion to the Legion world of Argus in...
Ironically, this is the sort of controversy you'd probably rather face from inside a hot tub.

Massively Overthinking: Do MMORPGs aspire to pro-social mechanics?

Massively OP reader and Patron Avaera has a thoughtful question for the team and readers this week. "I wish more virtual world games thought deeply...

World of Warcraft starts testing Argus and Patch 7.3

While the World of Warcraft raiding community soldiers on through the new Tomb of Sargeras and everyone else curses their luck at legendary item...

Perfect Ten: MMO zones I love to hate

Let's be frank: Not every MMO zone can be a masterpiece of art, design, quest flow, and navigability. I mean, they totally should be,...
Elf elf elf.

New World of Warcraft emulator project takes players back to The Burning Crusade era

The muddy waters of emulators and the contentious conversation around World of Warcraft legacy servers is getting a whole lot more crazy this summer, thanks...
It's the final showdown.

World of Warcraft buffs some classes due to Tomb of Sargeras performance

World of Warcraft's newest raid is under close scrutiny by Blizzard, which is evaluating all of the data coming out of it and seeing...
Oh dear.

World of Warcraft’s class design AMA examines the how and why of tuning changes

No matter what class you play in World of Warcraft, you're probably certain that the developers hate your class in particular and love some...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMO daily quest you’ve ever done?

My husband and I are in the process of introducing the concept of household chores to our five-year-old son. Not yet having realized life...

One Shots: En garde!

It's hard to deny that one of Final Fantasy XIV's newest classes marries style and substance, particularly if you're into a certain swashbuckling aesthetic. Skoryy...

Massively Overthinking: Forced socializing in MMORPGs

Massively OP Patron Jackybah has a question for this week's Massively Overthinking that's probably going to kick up some dust. He wonders whether MMO...
Welcome to Sucksville, population 25,000.

Em-8ER funds on Indiegogo and adds new stretch goals

If you were worried that Mark Kern's Em-8ER (properly pronounced "eem-eight-er" for those willing to die upon snarky hills) wouldn't fund on its latest...
Dota 2

SuperData May 2017: WoW recombinated, Dota 2 in the top 10, and Pokemon Go out

Almost lost in the buzz today was the release of SuperData's rundown of the global digital games market for May. You'll notice immediately that...
she's got the look

World of Warcraft brings a few new tricks to its Midsummer Fire Festival

With all of those micro-holidays World of Warcraft is sporting these days, you'd be forgiven if you forgot that the MMO still runs full-fledged...

Perfect Ten: MMO grouping advice you shouldn’t bother giving

It's time for a new expansion in Final Fantasy XIV, and that means for me that a lot of people are going to not...
don't make

What’s it like when you stop being a gold farmer in World of Warcraft?

For a very long time, selling gold in World of Warcraft was a path to making money. It was unethical and against the terms...

One Shots: Summer camp

I ask for "camp" from all of you -- and camp is what I got, although not necessarily what I envisioned. Sometimes it's better...
Let me actually just get stronger.

World of Warcraft loses its lead PvP designer to another Blizzard project

The man who pushed for World of Warcraft's PvP scene to become bigger and better than before is no longer leading the team. Lead...

Battle Bards Episode 100: Centennial spectacular!

After four years and over 700 MMORPG music tracks, the Battle Bards have arrived at their 100th show! For this centennial spectacular, Syl, Steff,...