

World of Warcraft
Warcraft series, a series of video games that began in 1994

WoW Legion aims to flatten the PvP gear curve

Last night, Blizzard posted a dev blog to explain just how World of Warcraft Legion plans to drive a wrecking ball into the game's...

Global Chat: Being thankful in MMOs

Last month's Thanksgiving holiday in the US prompted several MMO bloggers to share their thanks for gaming and other geeky goodness. Stars of the...

WoW multibox reporter banned for ‘breaking TOS’ [Updated]

Here's an interesting tidbit: Did you know that killing one player in a PvP area in World of Warcraft can get you banned? Not...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 42: Starstruck

Justin and Bree discuss Star Citizen, Devilian, WoW, WildStar, Landmark, Cube World, and Mytheon, with mailbox questions on multiboxing and MMO monogamy.
I ruined just... all the things.

World of Warcraft’s Legion testing is taking a holiday break, too

We hope you weren't planning on playing any of the World of Warcraft: Legion alpha during your own holiday break (assuming you have one)....

World of Warcraft: Legion tosses in more celeb cameos

World of Warcraft is no stranger to hobnobbing with real-world celebrities, from hiring them for commercials to putting them into the game as not-so-secret...

One Shots: Underground wonders

Spelunking isn't just a fun word to say but an exciting activity in its own right. Players who take the time to explore under...
Do I look like a patient cow?

Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the World of Warcraft fan

Look, I know what you're thinking, and I'm sorry to say there's not much to be done. As great a gift as it would...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: The 10 best free-to-play MMORPGs

You know one of the reasons I like writing this column? Because one of these days I'm going to be able to make a...

Massively OP’s Best of 2015 Awards: Biggest Disappointment of 2015

Massively OP's end-of-the-year awards continue today with our award for the biggest MMO disappointment of 2015. Last year, we gave this "award" to WildStar and ArcheAge in...

Hearthstone welcomes Winter Veil

Hearthstone is adopting big brother World of Warcraft's holiday event, as the card game has officially ushered in the start of Winter Veil earlier...

The Daily Grind: Do you roll new characters when you return to an MMO?

It's been a really long time since I logged into Lord of the Rings Online to do anything other than pay up my hobbit...

Ten years ago today, Star Wars Galaxies’ NGE made the New York Times

Hat tip to Redditor dejoblue, who's reminded everyone about the fateful day back in 2005 when SOE, struggling in the wake of World of Warcraft's...

SWTOR climbs, FFXIV falls in Raptr’s October rankings

Raptr recently released its most played games list for October 2015. MMOish titles featured heavily in the list, with Star Wars: The Old Republic...

WoW Factor: Legion testing is an exercise in absurd decisions

One of my favorite bits from The Office is when Michael is having his budget explained to him. You don't need to know the...

Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO hipster

I say this with nothing but love in my heart: Some of you guys are serious MMO hipsters. Heck, some of you guys were...

Check out World of Warcraft’s upcoming class halls

One of the major new features of next year's World of Warcraft: Legion is the class hall system. As the name suggests, class halls...

Perfect Ten: Where to get your MMO podcast fix

We'll assume since you're a savvy gamer reading Massively OP that you're already well aware of the world's best MMO podcast. But what do...
My name is Ozymandias, king of... oh, never mind, they're just going to steal that pop culture bit.

World of Warcraft’s alpha test for Legion grows in size and participants

Are you testing the next World of Warcraft expansion? More people have been invited into said test, which is now allowing players to venture...
Cats are cats.

Adopt Brightpaw in World of Warcraft and support the Make-A-Wish foundation

How is your cat collection in World of Warcraft? Could it use another cat knocking things off of tables and squawking endlessly with a...