
I don't exist.

WRUP: Foxman edition

How did we get here? This place is crawling with too many games. Smells like ozone. I never thought we'd be here for this...

WRUP: War rig edition

After a fairly predictable living arrangement for my wife and I for the past decade, someone is moving in with us now! Which is...

WRUP: The Slowpoke Song edition

The fact of the matter is that Pokémon has never been a big part of my life, so I'm even less capable of explaining...
At its core, this is just a couples' shot.

WRUP: Eorzean power couples edition

Usually, my introduction to our weekly What Are You Playing feature is a testament to the things I find funny. It's not meant to...
What was that vendor's name? Saw? Was it Saw? Adze? Saw sounds right-ish.

WRUP: Why did I take this screenshot edition

Hello, yes, do you know why I took this screenshot? I know I did take this screenshot. It was on my hard drive; that...
Ham ham ham ham ham.

WRUP: Better baby names edition

Argyle Farts. Mumu of the Pyramid People. Simon, Kyle, and Snorkums. Subject Name Here. Damp. I Have a Human Brain. Relogaz of the Sunless...
I like the style these ladies have.

WRUP: Apparently I am excited about Demon Hunters edition

If you had asked me a week ago, I would have said that I don't have any particular need or desire for Demon Hunters...
in space

WRUP: You meant completely free edition

Apparently I got a new game for free on Steam. I wasn't really planning on it; I just saw a little advertisement saying that Race...
This was entirely unsafe even in the planning stages.

WRUP: Win a personal deathtrap edition

People who read this feature, we are happy to announce that you have a once-in-a-this-article opportunity to win your very own personal deathtrap! This...

WRUP: Phrases that never sound ominous edition

Some phrases absolutely never sound ominous. You can have a black cloak billowing behind you, your face cloaked in nothing but shadow except for...

WRUP: Pallas cats are the best cats edition

As an owner of two cats which manage to somehow feel like seven cats, I really, truly want a Pallas cat. They are unbelievably...

WRUP: Cool guys don’t look at fireworks edition

As we all know, cool guys don't look at explosions (they blow things up and just walk away). This is true as few things...
Everyone was wearing matching towels.

WRUP: Someone was really hungry edition

I don't know how we got to the point of eating lobster, exactly, but someone must have been really hungry. Like, insanely hungry. Someone...
You're a liar, Future Me! A wonderful liar.

WRUP: Early access maybe edition

This week, no one will exactly be surprised to learn that I'm playing Final Fantasy XIV's early access weekend. Or trying to, anyway, because...

WRUP: Exhausting movies that might just be Australian documentaries edition

I'm relatively certain that I left the theater showing Mad Max: Fury Road on the same day that I went in, but I'm not...
Boy, the angry emails I'm writing for myself.

WRUP: Fallout Seven or whatever edition

Folks, the big video game news this week was confirmation that Fallout Something is going to be released! Through powerful kung fu focusing mostly...
If I had known then what I know now, I... would have felt no different, really, but it might have mitigated stuff.

WRUP: Goodbye, my sweet would-be treasure edition

I don't think I can properly express how much I love the Ikthians in WildStar. The Ikthian Crawler is seriously something I would... well,...
Oh, you're no fun any more.

WRUP: My only raiding story from Star Wars: The Old Republic edition

A friend asked me to come with her guild to run some endgame raid or another. I don't remember what it was. Whatever raid...
This was a real game that existed.

WRUP: This game existed, no one cared edition

The above screenshot is from Fantasy Earth Zero, a title that was developed by Square-Enix, launched to a resounding thud, got resurrected by another...
All I ever wanted, all I ever needed was here.

WRUP: Chroma Squad is a thing of joy edition

If you had told me when I was 17 that I wanted to play a pixelated turn-based strategy game in which I got to...