world of warcraft

Official Site: World of Warcraft
Studio: Blizzard Entertainment
Launch Date: November 23, 2014
Genre: Fantasy Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC

This is not ambiguous. It actually seems pretty straightforward.

World of Warcraft’s patch 6.2.1 will let you betray your faction for queue times

The factional split between the Horde and the Alliance in World of Warcraft has taken a drubbing for a while, simply because the two...

Raph Koster: Crowfall ‘can feel more like a living world’

ArtCraft's Raph Koster is the star witness of an in-depth interview in which he discusses the development of Crowfall using the perspective of his...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Trinity dependence in Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns

I don't know about you lot, but I really enjoy ArenaNet's Points of Interest livestream that airs on its official Twitch channel. It contains a massive...

Warcraft movie footage smuggled from SDCC

Well, you know that someone had to be the sneaky one and record the Warcraft movie footage from the San Diego Comic Con. And...

Global Chat: How Marvel Heroes made a dad a hero

I love a good customer service story, because it reminds me that a lot goes right behind-the-scenes at MMOs that's hardly ever reported. Braxwolf...
Cool times.

World of Warcraft provides a guide to going back in time to the Nexus

Being a mage wasn't a good thing back in World of Warcraft's second expansion, since the dragon aspect of magic had decided that mortal...

You can’t see the new Warcraft trailer, but you can read about it

Last week's San Diego Comic Con was of great interest to World of Warcraft fans, as Director Duncan Jones led a panel of the...

Hearthstone drops more possible Argent Tournament clues

Oh Hearthstone, you tease you! After delivering an announcement about an upcoming announcement, Blizzard posted a cryptic short story on the game's website that...

MMO Week in Review: Daybreak’s defiance (July 12, 2015)

Were you too busy gaming this week to pay attention to MMO news? Get caught up every Sunday evening with Massively Overpowered's Week in Review! Following...
Great old.

The Daily Grind: What do you do when you ‘finish’ your main MMO goals?

There's a sense of satisfaction when you wrap up a big set of goals. You're downed the last boss of the last raid tier...

The Game Archaeologist: The Sims Online

The Sims Online was one of the odder entrants into the MMO genre, an online iteration of an immensely popular game franchise that promised...

World of Warcraft timewalks to the Halls of Lightning and reveals SDCC goodies

If nothing else, the timewalking dungeons in World of Warcraft have proven a great opportunity to look back at dungeons that you may have...
Oh boy, not ready.

WoW Factor: Draenor’s imminent content drought

We know that Hellfire Citadel is going to be the last raid in World of Warcraft's current expansion. We know that the expansion wasn't...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO innovation we long for (or do we?)

This week's Massively Overthinking topic comes from Kickstarter donor BigMikeyOcho, who wants to talk innovation: "Sometimes when I play MMOs, I get the feeling that I'm...

Perfect Ten: Ten lessons I learned as an MMO healer

Back in my World of Warcraft and RIFT days, I spent an awful lot of time in dungeon runs as a healer. I even...
Gotta fly these things somehwere, guys.

Take a look at the Warcraft movie scenery VR-style

Do you want to properly simulate the feeling of flying through World of Warcraft on the back of a gryphon? There's an app for...

Blizzard, Snail Games are part of a Russian nesting doll-type lawsuit

Blizzard. Lawsuit. The World of Warcraft studio seems to be constantly dealing with some legal action or another. But now it may have gotten...
A dark heart of nonsense.

World of Warcraft walks through time to Gundrak

The current expansion for World of Warcraft takes place on a world where there are no trolls, which means that it's unlikely we'll get...

The Daily Grind: What keeps you from crafting in MMOs?

To this day, I've really only been a "crafter" in a small handful of MMOs: Fallen Earth, World of Warcraft, and Lord of the...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 21

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Final Fantasy XIV, RIFT 3.3, WoW's patch cycle, Cabal 2's launch, Skyforge's soft launch, and TERA's update, with mailbag questions on hero picks, names, and character gender options.